
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Which Witch?

It hardly seems like that time of year already, but halloween fabric is on the shelf now. Be one of the first to show off this darling design so visitors to your haunted house know that the witch is in!

Stacks of Three

If you're in the mood to stitch but don't want to start another project that will keep you tied up in thread for months, this project is for you. This quilt is one of our "Two Hour Tops" you can have finished in an afternoon.

Surf Shop

Now you don't have to live at the beach to enjoy surfing. This quilt is fun for kids of all ages 2 mo. to 80. Pick out your favorite fabrics and get stitchin' on this easy pattern. If the surf's not up and there's a skater in your life, switch out the prints for more manly tones and make a skateboard quilt.

Ladybug Picnic

This ladybug quilt was inspired by a cute bit I remember hearing on Sesame Street as a kid. There was a little song about 12 ladybugs going " the ladybug picnic." The bright summer colors and the lazy ladybugs invite you to take this quilt on a picnic of your own.