
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Promise Ring (coming soon!)

I just finished a quilt top that will be one of my new patterns this spring. Usually I wait until the patterns are released before I show anything on the blog but I am so in love with this quilt I just can't wait.

Before you say anything else let me answer a few questions for you.

Yes, the arcs are foundation paper pieced. If you've never tried FPP- you should. It sounds a little intimidating but once you get it you'll be hooked!

There are also curved seams. Can i just tell you that I have never pieced a curved seam like this? I was a little scared but my first block turned out perfect. It takes a little time and a lot of pins (I'm going to discuss this in further detail in a later post) but was well worth the effort.

When my first couple of blocks were finished I thought "Really? Curved piecing is nothing! People were scared of this!?"

And of course I was hooked. I wanted to make enough blocks to sew a row together to see how it would look. With each step I fell deeper and deeper in love with this quilt.

Once the top was pieced together I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this quilt. :o)

I used Dowry by Anna Maria Horner for the rings and a Moda Grunge by Basic Grey in "Picnic" for the background. A quick trip to the LQS yesterday and I grabbed this perfect Amy Butler print for the back.
Off to the quilter tomorrow. I just can't wait to see it finished!

The pattern is called PROMISE RING and will be available in the next month or so.

*On a side note: It's very hard for me to post pictures of a project before the pattern is released. Unfortunately there are a few bad apples out there that like to look for this kind of information and use it dishonestly for their own personal gain. I have chosen to not let the few bad apples ruin the whole bunch. It's important for me to share with you who I am creatively. When I'm excited about a project I want to be able to share it with you so you can join in my excitement. That being said, I hope you will have integrity if you decide to 'pin' any of my pictures and make sure that proper credit and links are given. Thank You.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

#destash building

Are you aware of the perks to social media as a quilter? Of course there's the never ending stream of inspiration from other quilters projects but there's more, much more. As of late, one of the trends on Instagram (IG) is  to unload (sell) some of that fabric that has been sitting on your shelves for way too long so that some other quilters can buy it and have it on their shelf for way too long. This has been coined as the #destash.

A few weeks ago a well known IGer @twomoreseconds organized #thegreatfabricdestash. The idea was to corral all of the destashers into a common place (IG) an a particular day and time to unload some of their stash. By using the hashtag #thegreatfabricdestash people would be able to search the hashtag for fabric that catches their eye for a chance to purchase. Let me just say it was INSANE at how much fabric (and $$) changed hands that night, and continues to do so.

You can find anything from precuts to scrap bundles, yardage to color coordinated bundles. It's amazing! And all of the pricing is usually pretty fair. Although if you're looking for some of the Out of Print (OOP) and Hard to Find (HTF) fabric you're going to pay a little (or a lot) more. 

Now let's talk about my stash. A couple of years ago we were planning a move. In preparation for that I had a major destash in my home for friends that I knew would want to gather up some nice fabric at a good price. It was great and I thinned out my stash completely. Since then I have been careful (mostly) when it comes to purchasing fabric for a "someday" project. I try not to get carried away with too many impulse buys. And thus I don't have a crazy stash. (my husband would beg to differ, but by quilters standards you would be surprised)

The same can be said for the #destash. It's crazy competitive! If there's something you want you have to have quick thumbs because the first to comment wins. I'm usually pretty selective about what I try and win but it's easy to get carried away in the excitement of it all and start trying for anything. I've missed out on a few things I really wanted at the time. But as I sit here typing this I can't remember what they were so I guess they weren't that important after all.

A few goodies I did score are right here:

Several years ago I made a simple garland for my Christmas tree with leftover 12 Days scraps from Kate Spain. Ever since then I've wanted to do more: a new tree skirt, a wall quilt to match, etc. but didn't have the fabric. Thanks to the #destash I was able to score 2 layer cakes and the panel to go with. I might even have enough for new stockings!

This Hello Luscious layer cake from Basic Grey just couldn't be passed up. I always liked this collection but never got any when it was on store shelves. When the layer cake was being destashed the price was too good to pass up so I got it. It's still sitting pretty all rolled up but I do have plans for it.....someday. 

This FQ bundle of Wildwood by Erin McMorris was completely impulse. I'll admit that. In fact, I had buyers remorse after I had put in for it. I decided to stick with it though because I have a project in mind for it. And those colors! Love!

Perhaps my most prized #destash win is this FQ bundle of Central Park by Kate Spain. I absolutley LOVE Kate and her designs. I made a couple quilts from Central Park when it first came out and I've loved it and wanted more ever since. I'm not sure what this one will turn into but it's going to be good and it's going to be for ME! :o)

What about you? Have you been sucked into the #destash on IG? What have you scored?


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Ashley!

A few months ago a good friend of mine contacted me about a custom quilt for his wife. Normally I don't take on custom quilts because I just don't have the time. But this time I just couldn't say "No".

First of all, he was having this quilt made as a total surprise for her birthday. What a guy! I'm pretty sure most guys (mine included) would have to stop at the convenience store on the way home from work to snag a last minute birthday gift (a king size candy bar or maybe one of those cheesy chocolate roses by the register. Blech!) But not Justin. 
Secondly, he wasn't just planning an ol' gift a few, he was planning a quilt out of fabric she had purchased years before on a trip to Hawaii. I was impressed. And of course I was willing to help.


This is the quilt that I designed and made for my sweet friend. I was so glad I could be a part of Justin's thoughtful gift.

After thinking on it a while I knew I just couldn't cut up the cute fabric she bought, so I used it as a centerpiece for the whole quilt and built around it.

I appliques blocks of surfboards, pineapples, sea turtles, hibiscus flowers and of course flip flops and pieced them all around the quilt. I added a few extra hibiscus flowers to accent the center.

I love how this quilt turned out!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Small Town Quilt Show in a big town way!

You all know I'm a little bit scatter brained, right!? Ugh! I totally forgot to post the other day when all the other teachers and presenters were posting. You know the saying "She'd loose her head if it wasn't attached to her body!" Yep, that me. Anyway, better late than never, right!?

I know what you might be thinking "that scatter brained lady is going to teach a class!?" Why yes I am! Quilting is always on my mind- it's the other stuff that gets left behind. :o)

I'm teaching my fabulous Hex Plus quilt  and you're not going to want to miss it!

I don't make anything difficult and this quilt is no exception! Come join me and lots of fellow quilters to make this gorgeous quilt!

All the info you need is right here:

Did you see the list of all the other teachers? Well in case you missed it hop over to their blogs/websites to find out more about their classes!

Tina Lewis


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Orange You Glad- a tutorial

Thanks for all the love on my 'Orange You Glad' quilt. I sure do love it. 
I thought it would be cool to walk you through the process I used to make my orange peels. You know, just in case you want to make some. And you should. :o)

Let's get started:
You will need a light weight fusible interfacing. I used a Ultra Lightweight Fusibile Interfacing by Pellon. The lighter the better, just make sure it's fusible on one side and not on the other. 

Draw or print your peel shape onto plain white paper. To determine the size first decide what size your block will be. I was using charm squares 5") so I knew my finished block would be 4 1/2". I decided to make my peel shape just smaller than that- about 4 1/4". I started with a 4 1/4" square and then drew a peel to fit inside corner to corner. It's important to remember that the size of your peel is determined by the size of the square it fits into, not the measurement from tip to tip. 

Trace the peel shape onto the non-fusible side of the pellon (this is lots easier than on the fusible side). I tried lots of different writing utensils and settled on a dull sharpen yourself #2 pencil. But you can use whatever works best for you.

Roughly cut out traced shapes leaving about 1/4" seam allowance.
Place on top of your fabric square with the fusible side on top of the right side of the fabric.
Place a couple pins to keep pieces from shifting.

Shorten the stitch length on your machine to a 2 (I know machines vary in the way stitches are measured- you just want a smaller stitch length for this part).
Stitch on the drawn line pivoting with needle down at points.

Trim around the peel 1/8" from stitched line. Trim across the tip a little closer being careful to not cut through the stitching.

Gently pull the interfacing away from the fabric creating a bubble as shown.

Using sharp scissors, cut a small slit in the interfacing. DO NOT cut the fabric.

Using a stylus ( I love my Purple Thang!) carefully pull the fabric through the cut hole in the interfacing and turn right side out. The right side of the fabric and the fusible side of the interfacing will be facing outward. Working gingerly, use the stylus to smooth the sides and point the ends.

Finger press the sides to smooth edges.

Place the peel on top of the background square. Center on the square making sure there are seam allowances in each corner.

Press in place with a hot iron to fuse. Flip over and press from the back as well.

Make as many peels as your heart desires.

At this point some people opt to stitch the peel to the background square with a variety of methods 
(various machine stitches or hand stitching)
With my quilt finishing technique I find this is an unnecessary step.

Once your quilt top is complete, layer with batting and backing and baste.

Using a walking foot I quilt and secure the peels at the same time by topstitching the very edge of each peel. 

You can see the amazing quilting lines that this creates (I added a few more in between the peels as well).

Now you can make an orange peel quilt just like me.
Orange you glad!?  :o)