
Sunday, May 17, 2009

All done

Well, my first trip to Spring Quilt Market in PA has come to an end. Tomorrow I will wake at the crack of dawn and head back to the promised land (HA!). It has been an adventure. Here are a few notes:

I have TONS of pics, but didn't have my cord to plug into my comp. so you'll have to wait until next week to see them.

I worte the most AWESOME post the other night about our schmooze cruise with MODA and when I hit 'publish post' it all went away. errrrr. I was so tired I just went to bed.

The most fantabulous thing that happened at market- I MET TULA PINK! She totally rocks!

Wanna see me!? Check out and scroll to the bottom of todays post. You can look at all the pics, but only the last one is the BEST!

See you soon!


  1. Wow what an exciting time for you. It looks like you had a wonderful time. Now you need to get back home and fill orders I bet. Would you like some help? I just checked you out on FQS, lookin' good, lookin' good. Your boothe looked awesome from what I saw of it. Way to go Emily!

  2. Emily,
    The most Awesome thing happened to us at Quilt Market as well...We got to schmooze with the totally awesome EMILY of CRAZY OLD LADIES QUILTS. We had the best time and bought tons of your patterns. Can't wait to get them in the shop and start making samples. Had a great time, hope to see you in Houston. We will definitely make sure you get some of the new line of fabrics!!!!
    Love you girl, Tula Pinks mommy

  3. Wow, your booth looked great and I love your new header.

    I was scrolling through the pictures and kept thinking "I so would have worn jeans" then there you were with a cute smile and a nice pair of jeans :)

  4. Can't wait to see the pictures. You're so talented Em!

  5. So -- I keep waiting to hear about this trip of yours! I almost called you yesterday, but I'm sure you are still recovering. It's just that I am not very good at patient.
