
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Did you SEE that?

Ok. I am close to speechless right now. That is a big step for me. I just settled onto the couch this morning and was wondering what the day was going to bring. I settled m 'lappy' onto my lap and began to check all of my favorite blogs. I usually check MINE last. Why? Because I already know what the post is- and I want to save all my comments for the end to give me a pick-me-up before I close 'lappy' and head off to my daily chores a.k.a. being a Mom/housewife.

But today was different than most days. I started checking out blogs alphabetically. Which means right I after I read a little 'cjane' and skipped past 'crazymomquilts' (*sniff, sniff* I still can't get over that) I clicked right on CRAZYOLDLADIES. Scroll down to see comments and notice there is one more than the lats time I checked. *CLICK!*

SPEECHLESS! Did YOU see who commented on MY blog? I'm still in a bit of shock. I'm a bit of a fan of some of those quilters out there and I view them with a slight (Ok, probably a lot more than 'slight') celebrity status. So when I see that JOANNA of FIG TREE QUILTS has commented on my blog it's almost as if I've brushed elbows with someone famous.

I met Joanna once. I'm sure she doesn't remember. It was in Pittsburgh @ Spring market last year. She had the most BEAUTIFUL booth. I couldn't get enough of it and asked if I could take pictures. I wasn't surprised at all to learn that she won an award at market for "Best Merchandising" (I think!?). It was amazing.

So forgive me on this weary Wednesday morning if I'm a little star-struck. But, I mean, Joanna commented on my blog! :o)


  1. Isn't that fun?!! I've purchased this Bloom pattern and agree it's perfect for Fig Tree fabrics :) How nice for Joanna to come by for a visit :) You deserve recognition - you are very talented! Enjoy the spotlight!!

  2. ....I always thought you were a celebrity!

    Congratulations on getting a comment from Joanna, of Fig Tree Fabrics. Way cool!


  3. That was great! You do great work, that why she dropped by. just enjoy! Happy sewing!

  4. That is way cool, you should be bragging about it. Now you just need to get some fabric from her!

  5. Wow, that is exciting! How nice that Joanna took the time to leave a comment. I wonder if a designer has left a comment on my blog but I failed to notice??? Probably not.....

  6. That's awesome! Your blog is fun and I love you patterns! :)

  7. Hey I think YOU are kinda special, myself! But, I do know what you mean. Pretty neat!

  8. Wow!! Joanna is a ROCK STAR in the quilting world! I understand your excitement!

    Are you going to print out the post with her comment and frame it?

    Love your blog, I come by it often!

  9. I felt the same way when Kate Spain visited ME :)

    It's great, isn't it ?????

