
Thursday, June 24, 2010


Well folks, I'm posting from the confines of my bedroom where I'll be spending the next 10 days isololated from the rest of society. This is hopefully the last of my treatment procedures. I'm really looking forward to being "ME" again.

I wanted to post a really fun game for my contest...but I can't find my paper with all the notes I wrote. So I'll just make it short and simple. Leave me a comment telling me what you would do if stuck in isolation for 10 days. On Monday I'll randomly pick a winner to recieve 1 each of the 5 BRAND NEW Crazy Old Ladies patterns.


  1. So, does that isolation include a sewing machine or not?

    Of course, I would sew and cut and sew...

    I would need some movies to keep the background noise going as well.

  2. I would sew and sew and read and read and watch some movies and perhaps knit some.

  3. Sew! That's at the top of the list. When I got bored of that.... All the iTunes from all three of my computers needs to be organized. Catch up on my Netflix queue. Paint my toenails. Read the rest of my True Blood books. Start reading Twilight books. Repaint rooms in the house. Reorganize our music/office/sewing/fun room. The list goes on and on.

  4. Sorry you are isolated....can you do hand work?

    Count the tiles on the ceiling, the floor...the wall panels....

    watch a bug crawl across the ice cream and more ice cream.

    get well soon

  5. I would watch movies, sew, and read. I would probably also sing a lot, text too much, and cry on the phone to my mom. I would shop on the internet and not tell my husband. And I would eat cake. Lots of cake.

  6. Isolation for 10 days...? That sounds horrible!!! I would miss my family, and after I got over my loneliness, I would have a friend drop off a sudoku book and a recent quilt magazine. If I can do anything for you, just let me know!

  7. Wow - I'm kind of envious! In my fantasy isolation world, I would hand-quilt one project, machine piece another, and cut and prep a third for hand applique. I'd probably watch an entire TV series on my laptop (like The Tudors streaming over Netflix). And I'd read a whole bag of books a friend gave me last weekend.

    In actuality, my office would probably send my laptop home with me and I'd still be expected to put in 8 hours a day thanks to the wonders of the internet. :-(

    But I hope YOU get to enjoy it!

  8. Sew, Knit, and read. Oh and cuddle my dogs, becasue they cannot possibly be isolated from me. Heck I cannot even go to the bathroom alone, so there is no isolation in my house.

  9. Read. Sew. Crochet. Make a lot of lists of all the things I'd rather be doing. Paint my nails. Paint my toe nails. Ponder painting the dogs nails. Write. Back-up all those photos I never get around to backing up. I would finally write all my recipe onto 3x5 cards so I could make menus easier. I would "do" a lot of those "little" tasks so I could try to convince myself it was not a total waste of time ;)

  10. That is easy as long as I could have my sewing supplies I would sew. I would also have a lot of books and some DVDs. Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. If I had some notice I would get the pictures organiized that I havd neglected for 23 years of my daughters life. I would also do some knitting and hand sewing. Hope you are betters soon.

  12. I would
    do redwork
    watch movies
    play on the computer
    oh, I said that...

    Why 10 days of isolation? When I took the pill to kill my thyroid I was in isolation for 24 hours, but i thought you went through that you must have had some type of radioactive seed?

  13. Well first of all I'd read. And if I got tired of that I'd stitch. Maybe have a nice nap. Maybe watch some TV. Whatever you do, try to make the most of your time alone. :0)

  14. Are you sure that isolation isn't a good thing? Being a soldiers widow for the next couple of months, I might enjoy the solitude! I of course would take books, and embroidery stuff to keep me busy. Of course, hopefully you have a TV in your room too!

  15. Humm, I would FINALLY try my hand at needle turn applique. Get some serious reading time in. Catch up on all the blogs that I want to read archives on. I would try some new embroidery stitch projects (like the Alabama Stitch I read so much about right now, not my style but I might like it anyway). Maybe even get some of my many Christmas presents made!!

  16. I would sort the scrap bin....triangles together, strips, squares and crumbs. THen when I got the urge to sew I could do some mindless stuff. Scraps big enough to cut apple cores would go in their own container and I would start cutting those....
    Hope you are able to 'enjoy' the forces isolation? I would so love a 'I'm checked out' sign in my house...:)

  17. I would have to isolate myself in my sewing room, which fortunately, has its own bed and bathroom. And as much as I love to sew and quilt, I'm also addicted to sudoku and reading, so my puzzlle book, computer and kindle would have to go with me. I could spend weeks in that room!

  18. Let's see... 10 days... I would have to make sure I had plenty of handwork to do, just in case I felt like it. And I would have a huge stack of books (new and never read before, preferably)and some DVD's (again, preferably that I had never seen)all stacked up and waiting for me. I would need to steal my husband's laptop and internet for the duration... And then, I would promptly go to sleep and try to catch up on that. The rest of the stuff would be there for me when I woke up. Sounds so good!!

  19. I am so sorry that you are there for ten days - hope all goes well for you in the treatment.

    I would get out my calendar and plan everything that needed to be done between now and Dec 31st. Time to catch up on all that correspondence - you have time to actually hand-write some notes - still my fav even though I am a geek. Do whatever hand work you can on UFOs . Think of how you could make someone else's isolation better after you are on your feet again.

    Just get better !

  20. Catch up on all the shows I've wanted to watch but haven't had the chance to watch while finishing all the projects I haven't had the chance to finish. That's what I'd do if I was in isolation. :)

  21. sleep, read, and do quilty things. And watch whatever **I** wanted to watch/listen to.

  22. Sew, read, nap. Sign me up!

  23. woudl my family (with small children) be in teh house, or would I be alone? Ahhhh sounds so good (my oldest is 4 and youngest almost 1) I would get caught up on my James Patterson Movies, do a puzzle, how I love those but can't do small pieces. Some book reading (working on the Stephanie Plum series) and sew. Oh and work on my counted cross stitch that I keep putting down thanks to other things. oh oh oh! and I would eat in bed! A BIG no no in my house!

  24. s.l.e.e.p! and then sew. and then take some looooooon relaxing baths!

  25. I just made a small table topper with English paper piecing. I've decided that is a lot of fun! So I'd work on that, maybe try to learn how to knit (I only know the basics), and maybe sit and read some really good books in between everything else! (Oh, and read quilt blogs of course!)

  26. Read every craft and sewing blog out there :)

  27. I would read, and read, and read some more.

    Might watch a movie or a dozen.

    And, of course, SLEEP!

  28. So sorry that you have to be in isolation. I would definitely do some sewing if I were in your long as I felt like it. I'm just home from the hospital and am looking at 6 weeks far I haven't felt much up to doing anything.

  29. Cut, piece, press.. sew bindings on.. read.. maybe watch some movies.. look at quilting books and daydream.. If I got really bored, knit.. Oh, and browse quilt blogs until I was sick of them!

  30. I would read a few good books, watch my favorite movies, check my e-mails, read blog posts and visit quilt shops on the Internet. Keep my phone close so I could call family and friends. And see if my husband would pick up all my favorite foods.

  31. Stuck in isolation?...I would listen to audio CDs (from the local Library) and sew...and when I got sick of this I would put on a CD movie and hand stitch and when I got sick of this I would read a book and when I got sick of this I would clean out and organize my sewing cupboard (but ONLY if I was REALLY bored!!) Good luck with this!!
    Thanks for the chance to win your patterns...LOVE THEM!!

  32. It's difficult to say what I would do besides sew. I would probably force myself to learn my EQ program, since I really want to do that...someday. I would watch movies, Facebook and blog and email and most likely, listen to a book on my iPod while I sew. Hope your time passes quickly. (oh, I would probably talk on the phone too = )

  33. Isolation!.. Oh what must one do?
    Let your creativity soar...
    this is so true of you!

    Play with fabrics strewn all one knows, so do it over!

    Free to sew in PJ's, what FUN!
    then take a cat nap in the sun!

    Read a Quilter's funny book..
    laugh out loud!! in a cozy nook.

    Have a cuppa...tea time yum!
    Soft music and dessert for your tum!

    Each day have a challenge...something new to you...
    Then share with us how you grew!

    Emerge from isolation...and let others know..the value of each day...because YOU KNOW!

    poem by HOPE
    just for you

  34. hhmmm...well definately eat! I would eat and read and then eat and watch movies and maybe learn to crochet-i've tried a few times and just can't sit still enough to do it!!

  35. ummm...finish up my 21 quilts in progress.

  36. Oh my gosh! I'd totally use Pandora for all it's worth! Listen to any radio station available. I'd read like there's no tomorrow, and probably think of all the fun things to plan. Make good use of the computer to find awesome vacation spots, sights to see, cute restaurants near you, etc. Oh, and sew, too :) Also the webby ch131 dot com would be used when my pandora ran out :)

  37. Wow 10 days! I think I would read, read, read. I used to love to read, but I don't have time to read much anymore. I love old classics like Pride and Prejudice, and The Count of Monte Cristo. You know, long books :-) Take care!

  38. Hi Emily! I really want to win these wonderful patterns! Being stuck in my room sounds like a little bit of heaven to me. Kids are driving me out of my mind!!! As long as I had an iron, thread, and some fabric, I would be very happy just to finish up my projects! I'm sure you will have some amazing designs coming with all that time to spend by yourself. I look forward to it, and envy you just a little bit.

    Good luck, and stay busy -Cori

  39. I would finish my in process applique quilt. I think ten days would be about the right amount of time needed.
    Hope you have a variety of things to do and get well soon.
    Love your new patterns.

  40. I'd read. Then cry and stare out my window at everyone in the backyard.

  41. I would sew, watch a few good movies,
    sneak a chocolate treat, draft a few quilt blocks, embroider some redwork blocks and call my best girlfriends for laughter.

  42. Sew, read, and call for room service!

  43. When I had a (major) surgery and couldn't get out, a friend brought over "Anne of Green Gables" and I watched the whole series. Got any series ya want to see? Check out tv seasons of shows on netflix, like Robin Hood, or Dresden Files, or Leverage- fun stuff. Hope it passes faster than you have time to do all you think of doing! Blessings, pokey

  44. You know what I would do, sew and get caught up with my blogging. What night do you want me to drop supper at the front door and run! I'll talk to you when I get home from St. George. My class went well and I am sewing on my Lilliana Christmas quilt while I'm chatting with my sisters. It's going to be cute.

  45. First of all I would like to wish you all the best. I was in bed with a hernia last year but I wan't isolated, that must be hard even if it is for 10 days.
    Pffff what would I do.... I am always short of time. I love to read, I love to travel to your country and traveling guides and travel stories are my favourite so I would spend a great deal of time with that. Second I am always busy planning a trip so I would surf the net looking for scenic byways to travel and fun things to do and where to shop and......
    3th I would spend time quilting, I quilt by hand so I wouldn't need a machine. Of course the tv would be on all day to watch with one eye sometimes and for the sound so I wouldn't get so lonely.
    But than I think I would get lonely perhaps after one day of isolations already. So I would probably make lots of calls and 'harass' my friends.
    Take care and hope you will be feeling better soon!

  46. I would sew, of course. I don't get enough time during the week or on the weekend sometimes for that matter. I would relish the time to do nothing but sew and quilt. I guess for the first couple of days it would be alright. Let's hope this is the last of your treatments. Have fun getting back to "you". Take care and God bless, Cory

  47. As long as I had my sewing machine,fabric, knitting machine and yarn I would be all set!!! I have often joked that I need someone to put me in my sewing room for a couple weeks and throw away the key-but there is no key, LOL

  48. Well, hopefully you have a sewing machine in your isolation - that's what I would want if I had do it. I sure hope it will be over quickly. I'm sure you will be stir-crazy!

  49. Sounds like absolute heaven to me!!! Uninterrupted sewing, reading, watching movies, napping . . . oh, my! Where do we go to sign up????

  50. I would try to finish all of my unfinished projects. That could take more than ten days I am sure.

  51. If you have a lot of scrap charm squares, try doing some English Paper Piecing with hexagons that measure 4 inches in diameter (2 inches per side). They are fun and fast to piece, and you'll have a beautiful quilt by the end of isolation!

  52. Watch some lifetime movies, finish my hand work projects. Do a few bindings that need to get done.

  53. I would catch up on my unfinished projects. I would also catch up on all the reading and movies I've been meaning to get around to.

  54. Okay, if I were in isolation for 10 days, I would count my blessings...hahaha. I would read, watch old movies and sew--maybe even a few Crazy Old Ladies patterns...

  55. I would demand that my sewing machine make it into the room! I have a lot of projects that could get completed. Along the way I'd listen to music and watch TV. I also have some stitching that would be nice to get done. I hope the time goes by quickly - Good Luck

  56. I would sleep in, for the first time in 28 years (thats how old my oldest is, now we are onto Grandkids LOL), then when I could sleep anymore, I would transfer some of my patterns to material to finally stitch up, then I would have someone slip elf cookies under my door. Now how do I get the milk? Then there's always facebook, my farm needs planting and my fish need feeding. Well that would take care of the first hour. Good luck.
    Vicki R

  57. 10 days -- that's an awfully long time. But, I would make sure I had access to all of my quilting stuff and work, work, work on projects I usually don't have time for. I also would do some organizing in my closet and cabinets that are in my bedroom. And then I would get back to sewing again!

  58. If stuck in isolation I would read quilting books and magazines, mystery books, the Bible, sketch quilt designs, write note cards to friends, use my computer, sleep, and do lots of hand sewing, and eat. My room doesn't have a TV or sewing machine otherwise would watch some TV and machine piece. Other things to do are stretching exercises... pay bills, balance checkbook, and do all the paperwork I never want to do. I might make phone calls where need to be there for the call back. So, some fun things and some not so much fun but necessary. Thank you for this giveaway.

  59. In isolation....I would eat a lot of chocolate, watch a boatload of movies, read a few books, eat some more chocolate, try to concentrate on hand work, think way too much, call my therapist, cry, make out my list of who gets what fabrics in case I don't make it, eat more chocolate....oh dear....I wouldn't do very well in all you need to in order to keep your sanity! Hoping the time goes quickly for you :)

  60. I hope by now you have found a rhythm (if possible) in your seclusion!
    A couple of years ago I had to go through something similar (acute Hepatitis) and couldn't meet anybody and was 'contaminating' everything I touched. Fortunately it was soo tiring that I slept for 14 - 20 hours a day. If I could do it again (with less exhaustion), I would start a language class: Online from my library or tapes/ CD's. I love to learn different languages / cultures - and isolation helps to focus.
    In case somebody complains, tell them it could have been worse - all my friends that had contact with me had to get, fun, fun.
    Get well wishes from Michigan and may the time fly by!

  61. I would work on my unfinished projects, which are two quilts. One of them is a baby quilt, which I would then hand quilt. After a little while of this, I would sort my fabric stash.

  62. After reading, chatting online and on the phone, watching every movie,reading, crafting and eating too much, I would take an antihistamine and nap away some of the long hours. Hang in there! :D
