
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Today is a NEW day

Shortly after I wrote yesterday's post I had a visitor stop by. Terry Griffin from Thankfully Sew and I was SO THANKFUL that she did. I just love that girl! Oh, we've been friends for a long time-we go waaaaaay back. Back to Spring market in 2009! :o)

She was only going to stop by for a minute but my house was so quiet we just got to talking.

...and talking....

And talking some more.

Before we knew it time had slipped by and my boys were walking in the door from they're first day of school. We said goodbye and Terry was on her way.

But you know what? I was feeling so much better.

Then I got on to check my blog on had several comments from you guys telling me I was not alone; that so many of you have had 'Quilters Block' also.

It was just what I needed to get started on that HAVE TO list.



  1. yay for getting the inspiration you needed! good luck with your to-do list!

  2. Isn't that great! We just need another quilter to pull us out of a little depression! Think of all the money that saves!.....and we can spend to buy fabric LOL!
