
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday and a Winner!

Late last night I thought I'd get a head start on my 'to-do' list and go ahead and write this post. Apparently my computer had other ideas. It was one problem after another before I finally decided to just go to sleep and deal with this in the morning. So here I am.

I was about to visit and generate another winner since I can't get the picture from last nights fiasco- but then I felt like that was a little unfair to the number that was picked last night. So, even thought I don't have the picture to prove it you're just going to have to take my word for it.
#49- 54knit4

she said "Pumpkin Party Pretty Pretty Pretty Please"
So, here we are: PUMPKIN PARTY!

This is a really fun quilt that is great for using up all those scraps. And what's better is it's almost all strip pieced- so it really doesn't take that long to put together.

52knit4- send me your address so I can ship off your Pumkin Party pattern right away. The rest of you can skip on over to my Etsy shop and pick yours up for $5. But only for the next couple of days!!!

And to the rest of you that entered the contest- have no fear. I've made a list of the most requested titles and they'll be the ones featured for the next few weeks! :o)

Happy Sewing and have a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Quick Contest

I can't decided what pattern to feature for Wednesday. Any ideas?

Leave me a message telling me what pattern you'd like to get for $5 and I'll randomly pick a winner Tuesday night.

Wednesday I'll post the pattern and the winner.

I think you'll win the pattern- FREE and a few fat quarters from my goodie stash!!! :o)

Now, back to quilting.

Machine Quilting

I go in spurts. Sometimes I don't do any machine quilting at all. I mean, when I think about doing it I'll look for any excuse to NOT do it. Other times I just get the BUG and quilt like crazy.

This weekend was one of those weekends. I quilted 2 quilts with designs I have never tried before. The first was a 'double flower vine'. I've done flowers before, and swirls, but not like this. I REALLY like it.

The second one was for a more masculine looking quilt. I chose this pattern and fell IN LOVE. I've been looking at all the quilts in my 'To Do' pile to see if any others can handle this quilting. I've found at least one other. But first I have to finish piecing it! :o)

The mad dash is on to get all of my new patterns finalized and printed for my distributor can have them by market. If you don't hear from me it's just because I am sewing/quilting/binding/printing/folding/stuffing my brains out!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

the Ultimate UFO

I've been busy.

Not my normal 'crazy' busy, but this new kind of INSANE busy.

And of course there's a story to go with:

Last weekend I recieved an invite to a Bridal Shower. It was for the bride-to-be of one of my close friends' (step) sons. (Not that the 'step' matters- but just so you know). And at this point in my life we are BROKER than broke. Mostly because we're saving every penny for something important. So I'm thinking- I really want to go to this shower and support my friend (whom I haven't seen since she visited me in the hospital WAY back in March) but I can't go empty handed. I sent her a quick text asking their wedding colors just so I could hopefully get some brain juices flowing. Eggplant, Sage, and Champagne (purple, green, and cream). Minutes later I had a flash of genius in which I remembered some blocks I had sewn for a proposed quilt for my bed only 6-7 years ago. Now...where were those blocks?

AS you may remember I've been clearing the stash. Those blocks could be ANYWHERE! After I looked in all the most logical places and even a few not-so-logical places I did the next best thing. I called my friend "F" to see if she had them. I often give "F" things I don't want or need anymore only to call her later on down the road and ask for them back. :o) She remembered the blocks, too, and was certain she had them. Until I woke Monday morning with a text that said "Sorry. I don't have the blocks"

UGH! now I have to figure out something else to do for this wedding present. EXCEPT these blocks were perfect because they were almost her wedding colors. (a little more burgundy and slightly more olive- but who's asking!?) I couldn't get the blocks out of my head. I decided to look where any smart person would look- the garage. Only I was sure they weren't there. Again, I started looking in logical places but I remembered cleaning every box of fabric out ofthe garage so I knew they weren't going to be in here. Until I turned around and saw another box. It was a clear rubbermaid storage container and I could see everything in it- those blocks weren't. But a little voice said to open it and look through and so I did. Way down deep and wrapped in all sorts of other fabrics I found....

And so the sewing began. The blocks were quarter-square triangles sewn together. AND a few rows were already sewn. All I had to do was sew the rest together, add a border and TA-DAH! But wait, wouldn't it look better with a skinny border, a wide border, and another skinny border. Ok. By this time I'm realizing this quilt is getting BIG and I still have to quilt it. Finally finish piecing and have to fun to my LQS for some thread. Lay it out on my bed to "sandwich" and it is the size of the TOP of my KING! HELLO!? No time (Or money) to send it off to be quilted. I gotta do it myself. One more run to the LQS for MORE thread. I finished the quilting at 4pm yesterday. The shower started at 6 (or so I thought- it was actually 7). I scrambled to get the binding on sweating the whole time. I machine bound it- no time for hand work. Finished just in time to change my shirt, run a comb through my hair and hop in the car.
The bride LOVED it. It really did turn out nice. I was only slightly embarrassed when my friend announced that I had made it in only 4 days while battling cancer. (That's not entirely true since technically, since my surgery, I'm not....awkward.) SO I smiled and said "No biggie- it was fun!" And that IS TRUE. But from the quilting perpective-since the blocks were from an old project I feel like I just completed something amazing! (well, that and this ultra-long post! Are you still with me?)
Want to see some pictures? WHAT!? PICTURES!? Oh yeah, I was in such a hurry, didn't have time to take any. Luckily my friend did at the shower. Once she send them over I'll post. Until then, you'll just have to let this amazingly long story do the trick. :o)
Do you have any great UFO stories? I'd love to hear!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Which is your favorite?

(that means *click* on the comment form and type in your favorite color!)


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month so I thought it fitting to feature this pattern now so those who order can recieve their pattern and work on their quilts during the month of October.

I don't have a personal connection to breast cancer. Although just recently I had my own brush with a different form of cancer. For some reason I felt inspired to design this quilt. I'd seen many breast cancer quilts before, but I wanted to do something a little different. This quilt is very special to me and I love sharing it. If you've never done a 'crazy piece' technique before than you're in for a treat. Anyone who has done them will tell you they're addicting. It really isn't hard to do and my instructions are super easy to follow and walk you through step-by-step.

The pattern is available for a limited time on my Etsy shop for only $5. I'm going to leave it up for the entire week so that everyone has a chance to purchase it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Who me!?

Guess what? I won!

One of my favorite local designers and quilting friends
held a contest last week and because I thought the odds were in my favor, I went for it.
And I won!

You've got to check out these adorable pincushions. The pattern is now available. Now, Cori says they're not that hard and because I know Cori, I know she would not lie (However, because I know Cori, I also know that 'easy' is a relative term- this girl does some pretty fancy handwork).
I won the PATTERN and I'm super excited. Although it would've been that much more amazing if I won the finished product! :o)
Anyway, hop on over and check it out! Oh, and don't forget to go to her website and order a pattern for yourself.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I just got up this morning and was checking a few of my favorite blogs when I came across this:

Tula Pink

No really, take a moment to check it out. I'll wait.

Now for MY rant:

I haven't been a fan of 'that store' for much smaller reasons than that. However, there aren't many other stores to choose from in my neck of the woods so I almost always end up there anyway. I might have to start driving an extra 20min. just to avoid it now.

Now, a simple note to all who buy FABRIC at Wal-mart:

I am not just saying this because of the Tula-Scandal. Ever since I became serious quilter I have only used quality quilting fabric. Usually with a certain company name printed on the selvage, but there are several other companies that produce good quilting fabric too. My reasoning for doing so is simple. If I'm going to take the time and effort to make a beautiful quilt, then I want it to last long enough for my grand-children to enjoy it. These cheap fabrics are NOT going to hold up. Now I understand that money is tight and sometimes we want to cut corners. And I say- do so at your own risk. If you 'invest' in quality quilting fabric your quilts will look so much nicer and they will last years longer.
It's just fact people.

And now I'm done.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday's 'Wonderful Wednesday'

Usually I don't list a pattern on Etsy until shops have had a chance to carry it for a couple of months. However, this pattern is going to be 'out-of-date' soon and due to unforseen circumstances it hasn't been ready to go until NOW!!

So for your buying pleasure, I present: CREEPY COUNTDOWN

If you remember, I held a contest a couple of months ago about this quilt. I LOVE the name. However, I recieved several comments that it wasn't "creepy" enough. So, I added a spider applique to it. And YOU can add as many or as few spiders as you wish to your countdown quilt.
I have a friend who is deathly afraid of spiders- SERIOUSLY. I didn't even show her this quilt because I thought she might punch me :o)
The story on why this pattern took so long to get published is lengthy and un-interesting. So I'll spare you the details and cut right to the chase- you can get it NOW on my ETSY shop for $5. But, as always, it's only for a limited time. The cool thing is, you can order it, recieve it, and still have time to make it for Halloween THIS YEAR!
Thanks for being patient with me- I'm designing a whole load of patterns that have to be done in less than a month! More on that ....later.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Orange and Grey

Thanks Barb in MI for posting this link


I forgot all about her beautiful ORANGE and GREY quilts!

P.S.- Check back later for today's WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY feature!!! :o)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Did you miss me?

Whew! I made it almost 24 hours without my computer. It almost did me in, but I survived!

I've been playing with lots of fabric lately and have a new LOVE!


I've been liking orange for a while now but recently saw a quilt at a local quilt show that was primarily orange and grey. It was so striking, AND it was a wedding quilt! The kind where it's displayed that the reception and all the guests sign it instead of a guest book. I LOVED IT!!!

I've been looking all over the web trying to find some cool quilts to show you- but without my internet that was a little hard. So I'll link you to one of my favorite blogs

Hey, if you see any orange and grey quilts out there- send me the link! THANKS!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I don't know what the deal is but I cannot access my email, Etsy, or Blogger from my home computer. I am posting this from the public library and was just informed that my 10 minutes is almost up!

This is so frustrating!!!

Hopefully I'll be back for 'Wonderful Wednesday', if not, you know where I am.


By the way, I can see my page, I just can't login. So feel free to leave me a comment expressing all the pity you are feeling for me :o)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where were you?

I just woke up that morning. I was only a few months pregnant with my second child and just barely outgrew my clothes. I was still trying to do some light exercising. I turned on the TVand sat in shock. My brother, a police officer, was visiting from CA along with another brother. I knew he would want to see. I went and woke him up. He was supossed to fly home that afternoon. We sat in front of the TV all day. I called my husband at work. He said he'd seen but didn't want to worry me so he didn't call. I couldn't wait for him to come home.

I've never been to New York. I grew up on the opposite side of the US. But I LOVE the city and have always dreamed of visiting the city, New York. I didn't know anyone there. The closest I ever came to the Twin Towers was watching a cooking/meal show on HGTV that often featured 'Windows on the World'. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Yet at the same time, it was soo real.

My heart ached. When I crawled into bed that night I couldn't sleep. I could only think of all those people still waiting to hear from loved ones. Mom's and Dad's trying to figure out how to tell their young children that their Mom or Dad was not coming home. I thought of those pregnant women who's children would never know their fathers. I thought of the rescue workers and their selfless acts. I could not hold back the tears as they rolled down my cheeks and as my husband wrapped his arms around me I cried harder still for all those who lost their loved ones and would never feel their embrace again.

I remember the days following and seeing the American flag flying EVERYWHERE. I miss that. My heart swells with pride when I think of the unity that our country showed in those days, weeks, and months following 9/11. Slowly people started to put their flags away.

Today, on the anniversary of 9/11, I hope you're not able to go anywhere without seeing the flag waving proudly in the sky.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Where the MAGIC happens

I've been ready the latest issue of 'Where Women Create'. WOW! What inspiration. This issue features artists that I admire such as Amy Barickman of Indygo Junction, Amy Butler, and THE Camille Roskelley!

And so I decided to show you where I create. Today. Un-edited. Presenting....

And an up-close of my work surface...

Not all of us live, work, and play in magazine-ready places. This is REAL.
In my defense I have 3 children, 2 of which LOVE to play "Quilt Shop". Also, I've been re-arranging furniture the last week or so. I'm in the mood for a makeover. I mean, I moved into this room several months ago- it's time to make it MINE. It's going to take some time though. I'll let you know when it's done. :o)
BTW- those manilla envelopes have Etsy orders in them and will be shipped out TODAY!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Did you know you can now follow me on Twitter? Um, yeah, you can. I've been on a technology kick (can you tell by my new 3 column layout?). Don't get your hopes up though, I still don't know what I'm doing :o) Anyway, when i figure out how to post a link on here I will. In the meantime you can find me on Twitter @CrazyOldLadies.

Tweet ya' later! :o)

Wonderful Wednesday! (and a sale!)

Are you ready for this!?


Since Christmas fabrics have been in the stores for a few months now I decided to feature a Christmas pattern. Now you can order the pattern and get it in time to actually MAKE the quilt before Christmas.

This pattern is so fun and easy to make and I woul LOVE to see it in '12 Days of Christmas' by Kate Spain. If anyone makes it PLEASE send me a pic so I can see!

I was orginially inspired to make this quilt out of a different line. When I went to my LQS they didn't have it, but they did have this- 'FIGGY PUDDING'. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I bought a 1/4 yd of EVERY PRINT in the line right then and there. I kept trying to think of another pattern and eventually just said "Forget it!" and so 'HOLIDAY LINEUP' was born. Now I am so glad I didn't do it in that other line. While I think that other line is still very cute- this one is PERFECT for this pattern.

Go on and get your pattern by visiting my Etsy link above. Remember- only $5! and only for a limited time. :o)

Also, ALL of my STASH and the last 'MAISON BLEUE' kit have been marked down in my Etsy shop!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hello Tuesday that feels like Monday..

Did you all have a good weekend!?

Thursday, September 2, 2010


It sure is nice to have some energy back. I guess that's what happens when my kids go back to school (except one who's home sick today). As soon as I dropped off my littlest at Kindergarten I was off and running. And this is what I came home with:


And now 2 of the 3 kids are sitting at my feet crying. Time to go!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday!!

Remember when I tried to do 'Show and Tell Tuesday'? Yeah, thanks for that! ;o) Well I've been thinking that I want to start a new weekly (or bi-weekly) special post. I can't take credit for this idea- I've seen it a few places before. But it's a good one so I'm going to use it.


On 'Wonderful Wednesday' I will be featuring one of my patterns and tell a little about the inspiration,design process, etc. In addition I will feature that pattern in my ETSY shop for only $5! That's right folks, 5 bucks! It'll stay on sale in my Etsy shop until I remember to change it back. I figure that's a safe way to say it since I'm sure I'll forget....ALL THE TIME! Anyway, I'm thinking I'll be leaving it through Friday- just so everyone gets a chance. You know, all them folks in Australia and Japan. :o)

So, what do you think?

How about we start...RIGHT NOW!!

Today's feature is TIGER LILY
I picked this pattern for my first feature because FANDANGO has just hit the stores. I've mentioned before that I met Kate Spain in MN at Market and she is so cute!! Don't tell anyone but I think she's my favorite designer right now. This line really grew on me as I was working with it.

"Sometimes I have an idea for a quilt and as it's coming together I'm just not feeling it. The 'original' quilt that I came up with was just that way. It went through many evolutions that were just "ok" before I finally had that "ah ha!' moment and was inspired to make the finished project"

I LOVE this pattern. I think it's a PERFECT fit for the feel of this line. I've already seen FANDANGO in several local shops. You better hurry out and get yours- oh, and don't forget to head over to my Etsy shop and pick up your pattern for $5 for a limited time!