
Friday, September 24, 2010

the Ultimate UFO

I've been busy.

Not my normal 'crazy' busy, but this new kind of INSANE busy.

And of course there's a story to go with:

Last weekend I recieved an invite to a Bridal Shower. It was for the bride-to-be of one of my close friends' (step) sons. (Not that the 'step' matters- but just so you know). And at this point in my life we are BROKER than broke. Mostly because we're saving every penny for something important. So I'm thinking- I really want to go to this shower and support my friend (whom I haven't seen since she visited me in the hospital WAY back in March) but I can't go empty handed. I sent her a quick text asking their wedding colors just so I could hopefully get some brain juices flowing. Eggplant, Sage, and Champagne (purple, green, and cream). Minutes later I had a flash of genius in which I remembered some blocks I had sewn for a proposed quilt for my bed only 6-7 years ago. Now...where were those blocks?

AS you may remember I've been clearing the stash. Those blocks could be ANYWHERE! After I looked in all the most logical places and even a few not-so-logical places I did the next best thing. I called my friend "F" to see if she had them. I often give "F" things I don't want or need anymore only to call her later on down the road and ask for them back. :o) She remembered the blocks, too, and was certain she had them. Until I woke Monday morning with a text that said "Sorry. I don't have the blocks"

UGH! now I have to figure out something else to do for this wedding present. EXCEPT these blocks were perfect because they were almost her wedding colors. (a little more burgundy and slightly more olive- but who's asking!?) I couldn't get the blocks out of my head. I decided to look where any smart person would look- the garage. Only I was sure they weren't there. Again, I started looking in logical places but I remembered cleaning every box of fabric out ofthe garage so I knew they weren't going to be in here. Until I turned around and saw another box. It was a clear rubbermaid storage container and I could see everything in it- those blocks weren't. But a little voice said to open it and look through and so I did. Way down deep and wrapped in all sorts of other fabrics I found....

And so the sewing began. The blocks were quarter-square triangles sewn together. AND a few rows were already sewn. All I had to do was sew the rest together, add a border and TA-DAH! But wait, wouldn't it look better with a skinny border, a wide border, and another skinny border. Ok. By this time I'm realizing this quilt is getting BIG and I still have to quilt it. Finally finish piecing and have to fun to my LQS for some thread. Lay it out on my bed to "sandwich" and it is the size of the TOP of my KING! HELLO!? No time (Or money) to send it off to be quilted. I gotta do it myself. One more run to the LQS for MORE thread. I finished the quilting at 4pm yesterday. The shower started at 6 (or so I thought- it was actually 7). I scrambled to get the binding on sweating the whole time. I machine bound it- no time for hand work. Finished just in time to change my shirt, run a comb through my hair and hop in the car.
The bride LOVED it. It really did turn out nice. I was only slightly embarrassed when my friend announced that I had made it in only 4 days while battling cancer. (That's not entirely true since technically, since my surgery, I'm not....awkward.) SO I smiled and said "No biggie- it was fun!" And that IS TRUE. But from the quilting perpective-since the blocks were from an old project I feel like I just completed something amazing! (well, that and this ultra-long post! Are you still with me?)
Want to see some pictures? WHAT!? PICTURES!? Oh yeah, I was in such a hurry, didn't have time to take any. Luckily my friend did at the shower. Once she send them over I'll post. Until then, you'll just have to let this amazingly long story do the trick. :o)
Do you have any great UFO stories? I'd love to hear!


  1. An amazing story, from start to finish. I can't wait to see those pics. What a great gift!

  2. That is an amazing story!
    I don't have anything like that one! A friend I was teaching to quilt took several of my old blocks and made quite a nice quilt out of them, even though I hadn't made them to go together. Yeah, lame story but it's the best I've got about a UFO that doesn't involve a LOT of swearing ;)

  3. What a great story. Now for the pictures....?

    I stumbled upon long forgotten blocks a while ago and discovered a wonderful quilt waiting to be made!! I posted my story with the finished quilt:

  4. What a great story. I'm so glad you were able to pull it all together in time. I swear it would take me that long just to do the quilting part!

  5. Emily it turned out great and I cant believe you blogged all that already!!! WOW Great story. It is so funny how things turn out :) It was just meant to be. Have a great day and it was great seeing you last night.

  6. Yes, after reading that story - I want to see pictures!! Can't wait for them!!

  7. Very nice story. Love the background details. A few years ago my husband joined our local fire department and I made him a quilt from with firemen and 9-11 type prints and he just adores that quilt. Well, I had enough fabric leftover to make a lap size quilt and have all the pieces sewn and even have the layers basted and ready to quilt. There have been so many opportunities to donate it or have it raffled off as a fundraiser, but each time, I was turned down. Now it turns out that one of hubby's fireman buddies is expecting a baby boy in a few months, and guess what? That will be our gift. It all works out somehow.

  8. What a great story. I am glad you found those blocks. I would have still been trying to figure out what to do when it was time to leave for the shower.

  9. Oh...that sounds so familiar....the times that I have been searching every corner of the house for something....
    I thought it was the age but I guess it is just because are heads are so filled with things of every day that a mother has to think of that it happens to all of us!
    I am getting curious for those pictures! Hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend!

  10. You are amazing!!!! What a labor of love. It's so wonderful that I have friends like you.

  11. What a greta story - and now we have to wait to see your magic at work! I can only imagine how you must have felt - and if you say it "turned out nice", it 's probably absolutely stunning and spectacular!
