
Sunday, October 24, 2010

QUILTS in the shop!

I can't believe it's been over 10 days since my last post! I'm sure my loyal followers are disappointed- all 3 of you! :o)

I have been all kinds of busy. Between Halloween costumes for the kids, doctors appointments, and a ton of 'Market' stuff that I can't really go into right now- I just haven't had a minute to sit and post. In fact, I'm even behind in reading my favorite blogs. Just shows you how little time I've spent on the computer these days.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about you. I hope to post again before I head to Texas (and hopefully while I'm there, too) but before I go I thought I'd leave you with a little treat.

I just added a few items to my Etsy shop. Halloween is just days away and you know what that means- CHRISTMAS is coming. Now I usually have all sorts of grand ideas about making all of my presents but time always runs short. So don't forget to check out the shop for some gifts that you don't have to make! :o) Several quilts have been added including some very popular favorites. And a fun pattern ALWAYS makes a fun stockintg stuffer, too. And if it's YOU that wants the quilt (and I know you do) your hubby will be super excited that all he has to do is click a few buttons and it'll arrive in a couple weeks. Plenty of time for the holidays. If you smile real nice he may even let you have it early! :o)

Talk to you soon!


  1. Hey, don't stress. We know that life gets in the way of blogging every now and then. We also know that you will post a blog when you can ; ))
    hugs - Miche'le

  2. I did miss you but then I understand. Life gets busy I can't wait to see what you have done for Halloween costumes. And I have to go to your shop and see what you posted there. I hope that you have a great day! Shyla

  3. I understand about busy, I have to keep a to do calendar ,there are already 7 things on it for Nov. ~lol~

  4. You can only be at one place at the time isn't it and it seems you have been busy. Great that you are going to Texas. I hope you will blog about it! Wish I could go there! Have fun! Hope everything was good at the doctors.

  5. My son just saw Whimsy Playground and said "Balloons, and suckers, and owls."

  6. Yeah, me and the other two gals have been wondering what happened to you! 8-]. Glad to hear you're still alive. Have a great Halloween!
