
Friday, November 19, 2010

Day #5!

I guess yesterday's giveaway wasn't that great- I only had 27 comments (entries). That's ok- that means better odds for the winner, right!? :o)

Well guess what? selected #25! Crazy, huh!? So, CONGRATULATIONS to

who said "I Loved Rockstar!"

Thank you, Tiffany. And now you can be a ROCKSTAR (kind of) with your very own prize of Quilt market swag! :o) (shoot me an email so I can ship this out to you!)

So want to see what's up for today!?

Lots of goodies! Everyone likes fabric so how about 7FQ's from "Joined at the hip" from Clothworks. Don't forget the thread- two spools! Tired of moving around that GIANT ruler for smaller pieces? This 3 1/2" square from Creative Grids will make it that much easier. And, who doesn't need a magnifying glass every once in a while!? Well, now you'll have one.

Today's giveaway is going to be a little trickier. But hopefully you're all a little smarter than me and can figure it out without problems. For today you need to ADD MY BUTTON to your blog! I just added a button on the left side of my blog. You can use that image there. Here is a great tutorial on how to add it to your own blog from my friend moose! :o)

After you've successfully added the button- leave me a comment tell me it's there and a link to your blog (So I can see it!) If you want to add a post to your blog telling all your readers about Crazy Old Ladies you can do that for ANOTHER entry. Yes, you can have 2! Just make sure to mention that in your comment.

One more thing. To get a THIRD chance- make sure to comment on the new 'Twins' patterns featured below!

Make sense? Too confusing?

Add button: 1 giveaway entry+ Add post: 1 giveaway entry+ Comment on 'Twins'= 3 giveaway entries!

Now go out and enjoy your Friday! But don't forget to stop by tomorrow to see who wins and for 1 more giveaway! (Also, classified information concerning a Holiday sale that you're not going to want to miss!)


  1. If the last entry won yesterday, maybe the first entry will win today! I added your button to my blog linked back to YOUR blog.

  2. Love this pattern! Haven't ever tried a monogram, it looks great!

  3. I like the patterns - I'd love to try a monogram
    PS I don't have a blog so I can't add your button or anything!

  4. Love TWINS!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I did it! I used your friend moose's instructions and added your button to my blog. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  6. The button is added to my blog

  7. I added your button to my blog :-)

  8. Loved the pattern! I haven't tried a monogram yet. Thanks!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. added your button to my blog at (thanks for the link to the tutorial-- learned something new today!)

  11. I commented on the Twins pattern. Very cute!!!

  12. 2nd post - I mentioned Crazy Old Ladies Quilts on my blog as I have seen their patterns and some of their quilts made up at Around the Block in Beaverlodge Alberta.

  13. (I commented on the twins before I read this one, in my reader they showed up that one first then this one)

  14. These are cute patterns. We are due for more twins in the gen-of-relatives-having-babies-now group. This would be so modern looking for twins. Like the monogram. P.S. I do not have a blog so must make do with one comment today. Thanks for all the fun.

  15. I've mentioned your giveaway on my blog.

  16. Twins is a great quick pattern. Thank you for sharing with us. Take care and God bless, Cory

  17. I don't know how I've missed your last giveaway post but so GLAD I've clued in! I really like the Twins patterns! Such a cute way to add some personalization with the monogram!
