
Saturday, November 20, 2010


Valentine's Day is a weird holiday in the quilting industry. See, fabrics for a particular holiday must be in stores months before said holiday so people have enough time to make their holiday project. So Christmas come out in May/June, Halloween is usually around that same time. But Valentine's day well, it comes out in December. Nothing wrong with that except EVERYONE is so focused on the Christmas-y holidays that it often gets overlooked. This year I wanted to make a Valentine pattern and I wanted it to look like a Valentine. But I didn't want it to ONLY work for Valentine's Day. I mean, if someone liked it and wanted to, they could make it in different colors and hang it all year long.

I made mine out of BLISS. It's not a Valentine print- but it works PERFECTLY for this, don't you think!? I wanted to give this a Valentine-y look to it- with the lace-ish scallops on the saide and all. This pattern uses FQ's and a little Steam-A-Seam, other than that it's pretty simple. And if you LOVE IT you can get it Fat Quarter Shop!


  1. What a LOVEly quilt you made again! So sweet! And not only for Valentine, don't we need love year round? I'd love to hang a quilt like that above our bed!

  2. I love your "love" quilt. Never too soon to think about a Valentine.
    thanks for sharing!
