
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Urban Life

There is something special about this pattern and it's not just because it's made of fabulous fabric designed by Cute Kate:

It's a 2-in-1!

Quilt #1

Quilt #2

I LOVED these fabrics from Kate's new line 'Central Park' (out in Jan.- I believe) when I first saw a sneak peek on Kate's blog I knew I had to divide the colorways- even though they look WONDERFUL all together too (see here).
Everyone likes to get a little extra for their buck- especially in today's economy. And since the colorways were speaking to me (yes, they do do that) I went on with my jumbled thoughts and created 'Urban Life'.
The best part of 'Urban Life' is that it only takes 1 Layer Cake and some background yardage to make BOTH quilts! Yeah, you heard me. AND- because I don't like complicated- these quilts really are a cinch to whip together! But you don't have to use 'Central Park' if you don't want to- and you don't have to divide colorways either. These quilt patterns would look so cute done in just about everything!
So, whataya think!?


  1. What do I think? Terrable, Awful, horrable!

    Seriouly? AWESOME!!! you know what's interesting is I wouldn't have thought to seperate those colors like you did, I would have just stuck with it as is, but now that I see it apart I love that too! Kate's lines are always so useable no matter what you need, and I love the pattern!

  2. Wonderful quilt and unique design, love it.


  3. Wow! Such a great quilt out of so little fabric.

  4. The first quilt seems to hail from the Atlantic Ocean...very surferish. And Urban life is much too crowded. Nice rendition.

  5. What a funny design. The first look like giant peddles of a rowing boat. Very cute and modern!

  6. Very fun design! My DD would love quilt 1! have a happy day!

  7. I Love no 1 the brown one... lovely colours!! :o))

  8. Very interesting design and my favourite is the brown one. I have a feeling that my favourite quilting shop will be making this one as it suits their style and is by the Crazy Old Ladies.

  9. i love the fact that you made two quilts out of 1 layer cake. How awesome is that?!?

  10. I was actually surprised when I realized that you made both quilts from the SAME line of fabric. I never would have guessed that the two colorways originally went together. Good job!

  11. This is a great pattern. I can see so many possibilities in the layout. Thank you for sharing it with us. Take care and God bless, Cory

  12. I love this pattern!
    Quilt #1 reminds me of bulrushes! (reedmace)

  13. is this pattern available as a pdf?
