
Monday, January 10, 2011


It's that time again. All week I'll be featuring my NEW patterns! The first one is


Remember a hundred years ago when I posted this asking for name suggestions? Well I almost didn't. When finally got around to writing the pattern and thought "Hm, I think I'll name it 'Love Counts'". Then a couple says ago remembered that I needed to see who planted the name in my subconcious. :o)

BARB from Spokane, WA wins a free copy of the pattern for giving me the idea of 'Love Counts'. There were lots of great ideas and I called it several different names throughout the creating process but it's gone to print and 'Love Counts' is on the cover. :o)

Do you have any favorite Valentine traditions that you do in your home? Please share.


  1. I would love to purchase this pattern... but it is not in your shop yet...when will it be?

  2. We have "The 14 Days of Valentines". Each day, beginning Feb 1, we get a small valentine. Something like a stick of gum with "I chews you, Valentine" or a sticker with "I'll stick with you, Valentine" on it. Then on the big V-day, I get up extra early and deck out the table with a table cloth, plates, and the works, and make a delicious Valentine's Day breakfast! Of course, I put a small (sampler) box of chocolates on each plate, and sprinkle thos message candies all over the tablet, and give a small gift to each of the children. (I have four.) Each gift is usually something well planned, meaningful, something to be a reminder of the One who loved us best (Jesus Christ). It helps us carry the spirit of Christmas into the new year, and the kids are very excited about it every year! :)

  3. Very cute pattern! No special traditions here, just enjoy the day. :-) Have a happy day!

  4. So cute! Our tradition is that I have a box that holds all the valentines for the family. On V-day, I pass them out. It's fun. Oh, and we eat chocolate. That part is fun, and also delicious.

  5. Love this Valentine quilt, very cite! Valentine was'n celebrated here in Holland but the last decade it is 'upcoming' so the younger people are celebrating it, giving each other gifts and surprises.

  6. I love the pattern. And it's the perfect name !! :o) we have no traditions - not yet ;o) maybe it's time to start one. lot's of love from Hamburg/Germany


  7. Congratulations Barb. My daughter and I always send flowers to each other - she loves yellow roses and I love red. My sons and I do breakfast.

  8. Glad I was able to help you name your new pattern! I have lots of pinks and reds in my fabric who shall I make it for? :)

  9. Perfect Name for a Perfect Valentine Quilt. I just LOVE it!!! Let me know when the pattern comes out. It's definitely a quilt I'd love to make. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
