
Thursday, January 20, 2011

the trend is...


Every single one of my new patterns has applique as a major part of the design. Now I'm no stranger to applique and many of my other patterns have applique too. But I have NEVER designed so many and released so many at one time. Hence my discussion about applique a couple of weeks ago.

I wanted to get feedback from my general blog reading public about your thoughts on applique. Because, well, how do I say this? I LOVE IT!

In my mind there are two basic types of applique: Fusible or hand.
And with hand applique there are countless techniques. I have tried hand applique and I'm not too great at it. I have a couple of friends who are AMAZING. Cori over at Chitter Chatter is a master at hand applique and she manages to wrangle 6 kids as well! Whew! My other talented friend is Jill from Jillily Studios. This woman is so good she's developed and sells hew own special appliglue.

At this point in time I want instant gratification. I want a project done TODAY! (ok, sometimes it's tomorrow. but I'm always pushing for today). And that's why I choose fusible applique.

With that I am working on my FIRST tutorial. Yep, you know what I'm saying. For all you that are too timid to try it I'm going to walk you through fusible applique step-by-step. And for all you that swear by hand applique- well, there's no changing your minds :o) I'm hoping to have it up by the end of the week. (fingers crossed)


  1. i have never done applique, but with my new janome i will be trying it soon

  2. I LOVE applique! Love, LOVE it! Now, I am just brand new to quilting, and I am just starting my first applique quilt. I am a hand quilter. I just don't have a machine that works, so hand applique it is. I can't wait to see what you have in store.. I would love to learn more. Now any fusible design.. can it be done by hand as well? do I just add a little fabric around the design shape?

  3. Love applique. I am all about getting things done too. I usually fuse my applique and then do a hand blanket stitch.

  4. The only hand applique that I can do is buttonhole applique. I am really scared of the other kinds. I would really love a tutorial or two about it so that I can learn. I love the look of applique so much--I am just not that good at hand work. Therefore, it scares me!

  5. Emily, you are such a sweetheart! I can't wait to see your tutorial. I have tried a couple of machine applique techniques, but haven't found one I am in love with. I do need something that I can work with that will be finished in a day. Looking forward to your ideas. Love ya Em, -Cori

  6. Ooh! I can't wait to see the tutorial!

  7. I am really looking forward to your tutorial. I have done a little machine applique and am learning to do wool applique by hand. Need lots of practice and always willing to learn
