I belong to a little neighborhood quilt group. We get together once a month after the kids have gone to bed (the the hubs is watching his TV). Each month someone gets to do a quilt. That person supplies the fabric and the instructions and everyone takes it home to make their blocks. The next month they bring the finished blocks back and someone has all the finished blocks to put together their quilt. Make sense.
Well, today is my turn. I decided to get out that delicious Heather Ross fabric that has been sitting (only a few months because I spent my life savings buying it on Etsy!) and let everyone play with it. I also threw in some extras just to make my little Heather Ross stash go further. The cool thing is that I'll get it all back in finished blocks!
Since some of the pieces are odd sizes I wanted to go non-traditional. Sometimes making free-form blocks is harder even though it's easier. Right!? I mean, we're all getting really good at following instructions so sometimes when there isn't any we panic. But there is no need.
I made a few blocks to show the other gals so they get the idea.

There's a log cabin

Courthouse Steps

Random piecing with fewer and larger strips

Random piecing with many and smaller strips
I am so EXCITED! The blocks went together super fast. Can you see how cute this quilt is going to be? I'm going to add white sashing to all the blocks to make them the same size and then slap 'em together. It might be a couple months but I promise to show when I get the top done. :o)
Oh yeah, I promised a recipe.
Well I can't take all the credit for this one. Last week I was visiting my
LQS and I was treated to a little lunch while I was there. I had the most fabulous (and EASY to make) cream of broccoli soup and delicious pumpkin trifle for dessert. It was so good that I couldn't stop thinking about it so I decided to wing it and make it for the fam. on Super Bowl sunday. See how pretty:

Now. I'm going to tell you how I made mine. Keep in mind that I was "wingin' it" and Marsha's was much more divine. But since I don't have her recipe...yet...I'll share mine.
1 8oz tub cool whip
1 package toffee bits (2 candy bars crunched up work well too)
Caramel syrup (I used smuckers)
1 loaf pumkin bread (I didn't have pumpkin bread and I wasn't about to make it so I bought some pumpkin choc. chip cookies at my local bakery and used them)
Cut the bread (cookies) into small cubes.
Put enough bread/cookies bits in the bottom of a trifle bowl or any other deep bowl you have. You could even use a 13 x 9 and just to 1 layer and I think it would still be AMAZING!
After you have enough bread/cookies in the bottom, sprinkle some of those toffee bits on top. Don't use all of them if you want enough for the subsequent layers!
Next drizzle some of that caramel sauce on top. Enough for flavor and to moisten but lets not down those puppies, K!?
Then put a dallop (you know what a dallop is, right?) of Cool whip on and spread over the top.
Alright. Now it's time for some more bread/cookies.
Keep layering until you run out of goodies!
I drizzled a swirl of caramel on top and sprinkled a few more toffee bits on top.
My dessert recieved rave reviews at out Super Bowl shin-dig. So...if you're snowed in and need a little divine dessert- go for this one! :o)
p.s.- I'm sorry, but blogger keeps smooshing everything together and not letting me put spaces in. So...sorry.