
Monday, April 18, 2011

The final cut!

So here it is- the official strike-off picture. A couple minor changes need to be made, mostly with color tones. I am holding me breath, crossing my fingers (and toes) and saying my prayers that I have some fabric by market. Something. Anything.

I mentioned that I would talk about my visit with Kathy in another post. Well, this is that post.

What an amazing time I had at the M&M studio in California. Everyone was so wonderful. As soon as I walked in I saw my fabrics on the table and got all giddy all over again. You see, after looking at the same computer images for months I was feeling sort of "over" them. But once I saw them in their threaded goodness I was in love once again.

The process of selecting prints for the final cut went super smooth. It was awesome that Kathy and I have the same vision for this line. Learning about the whole process was something I can't even imagine doing over the phone.

After business, it was time for fun. We met at a lovely local restaurant for dinner. Kathy and her husband, the gals from the studio (sorry, I don't remember names!) and myself and my hubs. It was delightful although I was still super nervous (!?). We had a great time. And I quite possibly had the most fabulous dessert EVER! Yes, EVER!!!

And that's about it.

Oh, what's that? You want to see pictures?

Well, it was just like me in my bundle of nerves to not even take ONE picture. Yes, I'm kicking myself now. But don't worry I'll make up for it with a plethora of pics from market in a few weeks.

btw- my second line is already in the works! :o)


  1. Your fabric looks so fun! What I love, too, is that it's got its own pep - a little originality there. :)

  2. Finally you see all your hard work. Way to go girl! Glad you had a good vacation.

  3. Oh, my -- can I just say, I *heart* PLAID!

  4. I LOVE the beautiful colors of your fabric Emily. I live at the North Sea coast so this fabric is really something that will sell here in the Netherlands!
    You can be proud of yourself, grat job!

  5. Eeeek! I love, love, love the colors! Good job girlfriend, you are a supa-star! So....hoping to see some a sweet little sundress and maybe a silly little sunhat in your booth??? Wink, wink...let me know I'll crank it out for ya :0)

