
Monday, May 30, 2011

Making stuff

So what did you do this weekend?

I made these:
You might be thinking "Big deal! I make cookies all the time." But let me tell you, this is a rare occasion at my house. I just don't bake. It's hard to believe that I'm the daughter of one very talented woman who makes the most beautiful wedding cakes. But it's true. And even though I used her recipe (A family secret *wink*wink*) they dind't turn out nearly as nice as hers do. Funny thing though, there's not one left this evening.   :o)

I've also been making a little of this:
 I haven't stitched in a long time. It's been years I think. But seeing all of this girls stuff at market has really made me want to stitch again. And thanks to this other girls awesome product my fingers have been spared the usual "I-just-got-back-into-stitching" tenderness. 

Oh yeah, this is a sneak peek of that project I'm working on.

The stitchy...not the cookies.  :o)


  1. I would have to say that I love both the cookies and the project!!! Have fun!

  2. Good for you that you tried to bake some cookies. I think your children were happy that you did!
    Your stitchery looks nice!

  3. I love to bake! My husband's co-workers enjoy it when I get the urge to bake. I'm not the best cook, though.

  4. I think I could bake/cook before I could quilt so now I'm either doing one or the other...;)I also remember the stitchery....Looks great! all of it!
