
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Breaking Dawn

Last week I was at my LQS talking to them about the upcoming Shop Hop.
The Corn Wagon's theme is TWILIGHT. And if you don't know what that is, I'm not sure I can help you.  :o)
Twilight is very BIG in Utah. HUGE!
At some point I volunteered to make a quilt:

It's my Diamond in the Rough pattern- that I have affectionately re-named BREAKING DAWN after the last and final chapter of the Twilight Saga.

I think the quilt is stunning in such graphic colors and gives it a whole new look.
(Thanks Around the Block for inspiring me to do a red, black, and white quilt!)

Here's a little something- just for fun. One of my favorite SNL clips from the last decade!  :o)


  1. or as my daughter calls it Breaking Wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. big HUGE Twilight fan here; I love your quilt. I made a Twilight tshirt quilt a few years ago :)

  3. Love the quilt! "Twilight" is psychotic, silly, melodramatic . . . so why do we all love it so much? :D

  4. It turned out great. That was a quick make.
