
Friday, July 22, 2011


Naive is not a word I would generally use to describe myself. I grew up in California- that should say enough. Now I live in Utah where things that I saw and learned about growing up even grown-ups here don't know about. But let me tell you what I am naive about. Quilters.

Yesterday I spent the better part of my day in Provo, UT at the Utah Valley Quilt Guild Fair. Despite my waining health at the moment I managed to survive (thanks to a couple friends who came to my rescue by fetching me some lunch) and hoards of wonderful women who all share my same passion and love for quilting. That is why I do what I do. Not because I think I am better than anybody else- but because it brings me joy and fulfilment. So it was an extreme shock and down right sickening when I realized that someone had lifted (stolen) one of my Going Coastal fat quarter bundles. Really? I mean, REALLY!?

I just re-read my post from before the show where I mentioned that I was going to have some great deals and invited anyone who wanted a steal to come see me. Well I didn't mean that LITERALLY!

Ladies, I understand that the price of cotton is soaring. I understand that grocery prices are not climbing by the cent but by the dollar. I understand the need to take care of our families and save a penny here and there. But STEALING!?  Seriously!? Where is the joy and fullfilment in that?

I am naive in thinking that ALL quilters are wonderful, kind, caring people. And it makes me sad that they aren't. Everyday I feel so blessed to be able to surround myself with such wonderful people who share my passion. Unfortunately there always has to be a bad apple to ruin the bunch. Ladies, DON'T BE THAT BAD APPLE.

I also recently read a blog post of a blogging friend. I've never met this wonderfully talented woman in person but she is so near the top of my list. I check her blog DAILY. She was also sadly visited by a bad apple. Can I just remind what we try to teach our children but so often forget as adults: IF YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHING NICE, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. (Thanks Thumper.)


  1. I recently encountered the same thing. I am a vendor at the farmer's market, selling garden plants, herbs and hanging baskets. I grow most everything from seed, and plant all the baskets myself. The first week of the market this year, someone stole one of my hanging baskets! It was really disappointing, especially since there was nothing I could do about it. It's really too bad that people think they have to resort to theft. I'm sorry your fabric was stolen. I hope you were able to have a good time despite the downfall.

  2. Just think of it this way, every time the person that stole that fabric looks at that quilt they will know it was made with stolen you think he/she will really enjoy it? I am sorry you were disappointed but I do think the majority of quilters are good people...hang in there!
    PS my word verification was "lessens"!

  3. Unfortunately it happens. Last year I vended 8 shows and had at least one item a show stolen. Should I be flattered, insulted, untrusting? I politely declined shows this year (all these were quilt guild shows) letting the guilds know why. Sorry you had that happen when an invited guest.

  4. Lame. I am sorry. I assume, like you, that people are like me and wouldn't do anything akin to thievery. Your display was lovely. My kids and I love your ship. Cabana is one of my current favorites. Two year old likes Animal Crackers and my nine year old couldn't pull away.

  5. Well, that's just horrible. Makes you have a pit in the bottom of your stomach...I am so sorry! Maybe you can think of it this way...someone apparently LOVED your work, but just didn't respect you or themselves enough to be honorable and pay for it. I agree with Kira...lame!!

  6. That is so sad. I worked in a fabric shop when I was in high school, and we never even took people's ID for checks...because no checks were ever bounced at our shop--I remember my manager saying that people who sew would never steal. Well lately, I've heard differently...a shop owner friend mentioned complete bolts being stripped--someone must have stuffed the yardage into a large purse and then left. So very sad!

  7. I am really sad to hear that! It's a crying shame that someone would stoop that low. How could they even make a quilt out of your fabric and then feel good about it. If I knew there was that much of a need I think I would rather give them the fabric then have them live with the daily guilt. But, maybe I'm just naive, too, to think that they would even feel an ounce of guilt for what they did. I know one of my LQS finally had to install cameras because they were having such a problem with people stealing things.

  8. Wow, that's sickening to think someone would have the nerve to do that! So very, very sad to hear that happened.

  9. I feel for you! I am a transplanted Cali girl too and I am still shocked to hear of anyone stealing at any Quilt Show or Shop. Shame on that Bad Apple!

  10. That's TERRIBLE! I didn't realize that stealing was such a problem at quilty-type events! Ack! I thought your booth was great and I can't wait to make a wonderful quilt with the fabric I purchased from you!

  11. Bummer! People can be so mean.

  12. I'm frustrated and irritated...and, sorry for you.

    I was all ready to say that MAYBE it accidently "dropped" into a person's bag or a child stroller or something. Then, I realized it was a WHOLE FAT BUNDLE!! That would've had to be a HEAVY drop and not on accident.

    But, as Pinkadot said...they will have to hold in their mind...anything made with it will be stolen property...even if the fabric is transformed into something else.


  13. That really is disappointing- It is strange what some people think is okay. They have to live with their conscience don't they? I couldn't do it but I guess other people have different kind of values. The fabric would feel tainted.
    I believe that most quilters are honest but I guess their is always going to be someone who wants to spoil it for others.
    Hope it never happens to you again.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  14. That is absolutly terrible!! There is no excuse for taking what is not yours.
    Too often people try to excuse or deflect their bad behaviour when really we all need to hold ourselves and others accountable.
    Quilters really are the best of people, but they are people which means there are some who are not as good as they good be.
    I've also been noticing how comfortable people are becoming with stealing and justifying it. Looking at patterns, and then making it after "figuring it out" or blatantly opening it up and reading the instructions/cutting or whatever and putting it back.
    They think this is somehow ok. And it's becoming more and more prevalent.
    It's heartbreaking.

  15. I read Crazy Mom Quilt's post yesterday and it literally sickened me. Now this! I just don't get it! While I would kill (not literally) for that fabric (my new fav), stealing it is just sad, but something I would expect to see here in Los Angeles. Sadly, it's gotten to where you can't trust too many people around here anymore.

  16. So sorry. Can you believe that there are those that ruin it for so many and resort to such lowly actions. I am *still* anxiously awaiting for Going Coastal to hit the stores -- I have great plans for it!!

  17. That is so disturbing Emily. Makes me hurt in the pit of my stomach as does what I've read some people say to other lovely designers and quilters. My Mother ALWAYS followed "If you can't say something nice, DON'T say anything". This world needs help.

  18. P.S. I spent a lot of money on a basket of fresh flowers for on my Dad's grave before Memorial Day, went there twice a week to water and take care of them. Over July Fourth weekend, someone stole the whole thing, pot and all. It's not like it was just sitting there, it was in an expensive raised stand approved by the cemetery association. Mom says pray for the people who stole it.

  19. I'm so sorry - yes,there are people out there who steal with no sense of wrongdoing. My husband (a Sicilian) has put a curse on anything stolen from his store - "may it catch fire late at night" - you don't want to mess with a Sicilian. : ) I hope whoever stole the fabric has something stolen from them. I'm all about balance in the universe.

  20. Oh my gosh, that's horrible. How can this person ever feel right about using that fabric. You wouldn't think that would happen because most quilters are wonderful person, but there are some bad apples out there. These things happen all over the place, it's not right, it's certainly very sad too. I hope you enjoyed the quilt show in spite of this incident.

  21. It's a sad thing for quilters everywhere that stealing and general not nice behavior is even a topic we need to discuss. I do believe in Karma, but I am impatient to see it work on some folks.
