
Friday, October 21, 2011

Learning is GOOD!

It's probably a good idea that I give you a little information- especially if you're going to Houston next week.

I will be teaching my first ever- SCHOOLHOUSE!  I'm excited and you should be too. Actually, I'm a little nervous because I've never done it before but I hear it's pretty cool. I'll let you know how it turns out. But if you're going to market and are planning on attending schoolhouse make sure to come see ME!!!

Also, my booth number at market is 1651. I'll be with the rest of the gang over at Michael Miller showing off my newest creation- Hall of Fame. Make sure to stop by and say 'HI'!   :o)

I've got a lot to do the next few days but should be posting again right before I leave. Have a good weekend!


  1. How great that you have so much help before leaving for Houston! I hope you have a great time there, do some good business and have fun!

  2. Nerve-racking delicious. I bet the whole experience will be fantastic.

  3. You have so much fun and exciting adventures going on right now!! Congrats and have a blast in Houston.

  4. Oh how fun! But stressful I hope everything works out as planned.

  5. Have a great and safe trip! I hope you have great business fortune!

    ps...I'm the one with the grandson who you played DS with at the Provo quilt show... =)


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