
Monday, October 3, 2011

Productivity is UP!

I had a good weekend!

It was one of those weekends where I had a great excuse to sit around for 2 days and not go anywhere or do anything. Instead I had the radio on listening to most wonderful messages and my machine going full speed. It doesn't get any better than that.
I managed to get 7 WIP's finished! SEVEN! I even pieced several of the backs. Some of you may not count a WIP finished until it is quilted and bound. In my book- if the top is done and borders are on it's golden. (You don't know how many quilts I've had sit around for months with only borders to add!)
Now that they're ready to quilt they go into another stack. But since I already have backs for these 7 it shouldn't take long to get them quilted.

I've decided to show them up close and personal one at a time after they're quilted and bound. My goal- by the end of 2011. That may seem like a long time to give myself but market is coming up and things can get pretty 'CRAZY' around market time.  :o)


  1. congrats! I was hoping to get more done during conference too but a head cold took over instead. The messages were fantastic tho!

    My wips are mostly non-quilted non-basted tops and since I don't send any out to get quilted, its going to take me A LOT longer to get through that pile than you to get through yours I think :) I'm making 2012 my "WIP - 1 a month" year to get everything done that I've started in the past year I've been quilting.

    Good luck on your goal - can't wait to see them as they get finished!

  2. Yahoooo! Seven WIP finished in one weekend is incredible!! You GO girl!!

  3. I always tell my friends that once the quilt top is pieced it is no longer a WIP, so happy to hear someone else thinks so too!

  4. I have many WIPs and many more on the project block to make. I remember the postage stamp one you started. Can't wait for the unveiling!! Good work sista!

  5. Way to go! I got blocks for one quilt done. Can't wait to see what your WIPS look like!

  6. Sweet. I love the colors of your photo too.
