
Monday, November 14, 2011

A little too revealing

The STUDIO is as 'finished' as it's ever going to be. It's a work in progress, right? I'll contstantly be changing things around- that's half the fun. But it's functional right now and I'm loving it!

 This is the view down towards the front door so you can see the close proximity my studio has to an open front door. SCARY!!! Hence the need to keep it clean (yeah right! Like that's going to happen!)

 And a straight on view. I wanted to open the windows so you can get an idea of the amount of sunlight that comes in- even though it doesn't make for a great picture. Also, there's still things in boxes. The big one fron and center is overflowing with quilts.  The two big frames are leftovers from my market display in Minnesota (spring 2010). They are going to become my design walls once I find the staple-gun.  :o)

The view to the right: Thank you Closetmaid assemble myself furniture. It may be cheap, but hey, it's cheap!  I'm on a budget here. My main focuse was continuity. Oh, and to fit all my junk in this room nicely. :o) Wanna know what's behind door number 2? FABRIC!!!

View to the left: (before I opened the blinds- blech!) Corner table thanks to IKEA.  I took liberties with this one. Mixed and matched legs from a different desk set-up so I could have the top I wanted for the price I was willing to pay. So I had to pre-drill all my own holes- been there. done that. no biggie. Took me less than an hour from car to completely set up and I LOVE IT!!! There's room to do patterns on the left and on the right, sew. The corner gives me depth for extra quilt bulk when quilting. And there's room to store more boxes underneath! There's a little more minor construction/destruction that needs to be done when I can find my jig-saw. I'm going to notch out my table again so my machine sits flat. I did that in my old setup and it changed my life. Really.

This is my favorite nook so far. Behind the wall to the left is where I organized my shoes, um, I mean patterns! I have had several pattern organizational ideas over the years. Many attempted and just as many failed. But THIS is a winner. And of course, room for bolts underneath! A temporary spot for the ironing board- the hubs set this up yesterday to get church clothes ready for the kids. The iron is going to go atop the 9-cubby unit you can see in the photos above. I have a fairly large board on top that is going to double as my cutting area (so I don't have hunch over!!!) and my ironing area.

So there you have it!

If you have an eagle eye and can see past the glare there's a few goodies sitting out. More on those later. Oh yeah, and how about I tell you about my new quilt patterns and FABRIC collections. There just isn't enough time in the day. I'm asking Santa for a few extra hours... A DAY!!!  Whataya think of a 26, or even 30 hour day?  :o)

See you soon!


  1. It's looking great! New houses are so much fun!!! :)

  2. You'll love creating in that space! It's a wonderful feeling walking into an organized room and being able to sit and sew pronto without having to dump/move/shift/find etc!

  3. Filling a studio from scratch sounds like so much fun! I am excited to see a future post about your new fabrics!

  4. I'll go with a 30 hour day and no need to sleep. Then I might be able to get everything done that I want!
    Your studio looks great!!!!!

  5. I love your studio. The space the windows. I would fail miserably if I had to keep that my studio clean for prying eyes. Good luck.

  6. I can't decide if more hours is good or not. If I can have more energy with those hours, I'd take more, but if not, maybe not. Maybe I'd like more hands, or just faster ones.

  7. Love your space! It doesn't look like you have enough fabric in it yet!

  8. So I'm super curious about the pattern style, type of project? I'd love to be able to find my patterns when I'm looking for would love more info about how you decided to file them!

  9. Love your new 'creating' room. I have a similar space to yours..right at the front door with the same large opening that you have. My hubs built sorta french doors for mine which I leave open most of the time but when I know company's coming I close them and they never know what lies behind them. If you want to see photos so your hubby/handman can do the same for you email me at and I would be happy to take a few and mail them to you. Keep up the good work oh creative one! Abbie

  10. I had my craft room in the front like that for several years. I learned to keep empty bins so I could quick clean when I needed to for company.

  11. Nice. There's no way my husband would let me think of putting my sewing room near the front door. LOL. No clue way. Yeah right. I hope to reveal my sewing room this weekend.
    Thanks for sharing yours.
