
Thursday, November 10, 2011

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programing for...


Seriously. My whole family. Started with my middle kid in which I thought it was just a fluke. A couple days later #1 and #3 got it. Not to mention several people that had been to my house in the last few days. Then yesterday the hubs and I fell victim. Luckily we're all feeling [almost] normal today.

I'm still planning a not-quite-finished reveal of my "studio" tomorrow but before that I just wanted to remind you of:

 the FrenchKnots Quilt Retreat coming up- November 18th & 19th.
There is lots of fun stuff planned and TONS of sewing time. And if you can't get away for both days, there is a one day option (Saturday is when I'll be doing my trunk show!)

So hurry on over and get your tickets and I'll see you there!!!


  1. what a bummer about the stomach flu :( Wish I were close enough to go to the retreat. Sure could use it!

  2. Oh yucky...I'm so sorry you guys are sick! Get better soon!

  3. Hope you all will be feeling better soon Emily!
