
Monday, March 26, 2012


I think I may have mentioned before how the creative process works for me. For those new to this blog I'll go over it again. This is how it works:
I wake up first thing in the morning (sometimes the middle of the night) with an idea.
I usually do go back to sleep- I need my beauty rest  :o)
But when I finally get out of bed it takes every part of me to focus on the task at hand (i.e.- getting the kids to school and tidying up the house) before I head to the computer and get to work.
No, I don't start with actual matters that need tending too. I start with that crazy idea that woke me in the night. And....I usually don't stop until I have fabric in hand.
Sometimes I meet a road block like having to order from the internet and then waiting a few days before it arrives. But that's ok because then I have time to get those other matters taken care of. :o)

Well, one of these "awakenings" happened the other day. Although I think this time it happened in the middle of the DAY. Weird.
Anywho- I've tried and tried to set it aside while I get important things done. And I've been partially successful. A little of this and a little of that. Perfect balance.

This whole idea started with these- Cotton Couture solids for Michael Miller Fabrics. I mentioned them in this post about 'I can sew a rainbow'. Well now I'm OBSESSED  and it's only been a week!
See how these creative moments work!?
I literally can not stop thinking about these gorgeous solids. I've designed 3 or 4 patterns already (one of them is still a little if-y, but the other 3 are golden) Now I just have to figure out how I can get them done and patterns ready by market because, well, that's what I do.


So today, I went to lunch with some girlie friends. After getting some not-so-great directions and a mixed-up address I finally found my self at a fun little place.
(find out more from Lucky Red Hen- linked above)
(it's right on Main street ya'll!)
Grilled Cheese for grown-ups.
I ordered the #2) A.B.C. sandwich
Granny Smith Apples, Candied Bacon, and Caramelized onions (except I didn't have the onions on mine so the 'C' stands for Cheese! :o)
Wow. It was DELICIOUS!!
So delicious in fact that I re-created it for dinner at home. Not as good when I make it in case you were wondering.

Anyway, it was fitting. Cravings for lunch and cravings for fabric.


  1. YUMMY!!! If I didn't have a bowl of popcorn sitting beside me I'd probably be drooling over the thoughts of your A.B.C. sandwich right now! And I'm with you - no onions - just lots of cheese! :o) I haven't had the pleasure of going to the Cravings Bistro, but now I'm going to have to give it a try!

    I can't wait to see what your new patterns look like! I've got a stack of 19 "rainbow" fat quarters just calling my name to turn them into something beautiful!!! :o)

  2. I had the number one!! It was deli-sh!!! Can't wait to see your new patterns!!!
