
Monday, April 30, 2012


I'm talkin' with PAT SLOAN today at 4pm (Eastern). this link takes you directly to Pat's blog where you can find directions on how to listen there. Hope you'll listen!

Also, tomorrow kicks off the 30 blogs, 30 days, 30 books blog tour for Geared for Guys (G4G as I've started calling it!) The one and only QUILT DAD, John Adams is starting it off. If you want to follow along all month long and enter for several chances to win your own copy of G4G you'll need to go to John's blog tomorrow. He will blog and then tell you who is blogging the next day and so on and so forth. So if you want to know who's blogging each day, you have to follow the blog-hop.

I'm heading out to lunch to finalize our caravan plans for Kansas City (quilt market) Talk to you soon!


  1. I heard you on the radio show!! I can't believe how much your business has grown. You sounded so wonderful!!! Happy sewing for market.

  2. Fun lunch today. Just listened to the radio show and no you didn't sound dorky. You did a great job. Go Em, go Em!
