
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Almost there

Only a few more days left to follow along on the blog tour and maybe win yourself a copy of 'Geared for Guys'
And make sure you come back here on Wednesday for my final wrap. 
It's going to be GOOD!


  1. I've been trying and trying and trying.

  2. Me too!

    Pretty stack of fabric you have there. :)

  3. I've been following the blog tour but that darned Mr Random guy just isn't liking my number yet. LOL

    Those are very pretty colored charm packs, especially the top one.

  4. I'm trying as well. What a super idea for a book and your quilts are so gorgeous! I'm off to enter and to see if I can find Mr. Randim to sweet talk him. hehe.

  5. I am so drawn to this book, that I have followed the blog tour trying to win a copy. So far I too have been ignored by Mr Random, but have been lucky enough to have been introduced to some fabulous blogs I never knew about. Looks like I will be purchasing a copy, confident that I will be getting great value for money.

  6. I haven't be enable to find anything Greared for guys on fat quarterly, did they forget?.
