
Monday, June 11, 2012


The other day I mentioned something called QUILTCON. Remember? You can click on the link to find out more but basically it's a conference put on by The Modern Quilt Guild. Speakers, vendors and so much more. It's scheduled for early next year and I really hope I can go.

One of the things I'm most excited about is the fun QuiltCon Block Challenge.
Using the colors of their logo you can make a block that reflects what modern quilting means to you. (If you're not sure what modern quilting is: read here. Or, just read it anyway because I LOVE IT! :o)
Where was I? Oh yeah, the colors of the QuiltCon logo. Yeah, they're my new faves!  I can't help but invision every new pattern design I have in these colors.

Don't you just LOVE these colors!? QuiltCon has not specified which fabrics to use. In fact, they have left that up to interpretation. However, many of the fabric companies have put their own bundles together. "Tiny Dancer" and "Lady Marmalade" from Marmalade fabrics sent me these bundles a few weeks ago. I really want to make something but haven't been able to bring myself to cut into them yet.

Of course MMF has a variety of their own prints in these gorgeous colors that I'm playing with too. Look for a Crazy Old Ladies pattern exclusive coming soon!

Not sure these colors are the PERFECT combo for a project in your future?
Take a look at this:

The Portland Modern Quilt Guild made this amazing quilt that was hanging in the MMF booth at market. LOV-ER-LY! See, now you can understand why I'm seeing everything in these colors.

Guess what!? just because it's summer. And just because I'm feeling generous I'm going to give away a custom bundle of my own. A little of this and a little of that- 1 fat quarter in each of the colors for you to play with! (I haven't taken a picture yet because I just thought of this right when I was writing this post. Cool huh!?)

So, want to play?

Leave me a comment- One word. Any word. Make it a good word. (no bad words, if you know what I'm sayin') I'll pick a random comment on Friday.

Tomorrow is my big boy's birthday. 12! WHAT!? I'll be busy eating cake and ice cream. Talk to you soon.


  1. Parabéns e muita saúde para seu menino.Dia 12 aqui no Brasil é dia dos namorados,então aproveite para comemorar duas vezes(eu sei que a data de vocês já foi)eu vou ganhar o meu segundo presente também,o primeiro peguei carona em fevereiro.Você falou não para palavrão,mas sou obrigada a falar um:PRESENTÃO e eu quero.Obrigada.Sou

  2. Happy birthday to your son!
    The colors look great, and I know exactly what kind of project I would use them in.

  3. ART !
    That is what is coming to mind to me looking at that lovely quilt, it is a true art to use the fabrics and colours like this.
    Congrats with your big boy!

  4. Supercalifagilisticexpialidocious!

  5. Serendipity! It means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it. (from Wikipedia)


  7. Kitten (Why my autistic son yells when he is nervous)

  8. Evolution!
    as in the way quilting is evolving

  9. Perspicacious!

    - sunshdws at yahoo dot com

  10. My word is sunshine because we actually have some today, for a wonderful change.

  11. HAPPY

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  12. Ennui.

    Don't have it, but have always liked the word. :)

  13. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

  14. Woot woot! That's the word I would say if I were the lucky winner!
    Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  15. Super-cali-fragi-listic-expi-ali-dotious! : )

  16. Geweldig !

    (It's a dutch word from a dutch girl and it means very good)

  17. My eyes are starting to shine, those colors are beautiful. My mind is thinking: "My precious!"
    (Sorry, too much "Lord of the Ring")

  18. "Goodness"

  19. supercalifragilisticexpialodocious
