
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Springtime in the Rockies blog tour

This book is super special to me. Konda asked me to be a part of it a long time ago and it's so fun to finally be able to share it with you.
I had developed this 'stack n whack' pattern and wasn't sure what I was going to do with it.
 You know how sometimes things just happen for a reason, right!?
Well Konda called me up and told me about this book idea and I knew I had just the pattern.
And now here it is, between the covers of this fabulous book, with several other amazingly fun patterns. What's extra cool for me is I know most of the other designers personally and they are some of the most talented ladies - and I get to call them FRIENDS!!!
Konda has organized a blog tour so you can get a peek at all the designers and their projects. Follow along for several chances to win a copy of your own!

Sept 19 - Kansas City Star -

Sept 20 - Amy Smart
Sherri McConnell

Leave me a comment and tell me your favorite Springtime tradition and I will pick a winner to recieve a copy of Springtime in the Rockies.


  1. My favorite springtime tradition is going out to the garden to see what new flowers are sprouting every day, and also coloring easter eggs of course!

  2. Wow! You are published a lot! I'm so excited for you! Love your little quilt! You know, it's kind of sad, but I was thinking about my favorite springtime tradition and I don't really have one. Thinking...thinking...thinking...nope! No springtime traditions come to mind. Well, I won't win your giveaway but I am so happy that your quilting is recognized as exceptional! Woot!

    Cheery wave from

  3. I live near the Rockies (Calgary, Canada) and I can tell you that springtime is usually cold and rainy - right up to the end of June! However, when I was younger, I loved spring skiing - if it is sunny, it can be glorious. You have to wear sunscreen, or you can get quite a sunburn.

  4. Yup, we love hiking in the mountains- the fresh air, the new flowers, and warm sunshine :)

  5. Just love your scrambled eggs. So darn cute. I enjoy Easter with my Mom. We get together with our families and have a poluck for lunch and then have an Easter egg hunt with plastic eggs filled with either money or candy. My younger sister has two daughters and the youngest daughter has a 2-year old son. Just makes Easter priceless and your quilt would be ideal for him. Thank you for the chance to win that wonderful book.

    Sandi T.

  6. Love your quilt! In the spring, I love watching the ferns sprout in the woods.

  7. I don't know about traditions, but I love that time in the spring when it's finally warm enough to wear shorts, even if you have to wear a jacket with them.

  8. Not sure that I have any traditions either! although we do usually drive out to see the wild daffodils flowering about 30 miles away!
    This looks a great book!

  9. I love hitting all the nurseries and getting ready for planting all the flowers for my yard.

  10. Congrats. Spring time for me is flowers, warm sunshine, and the smell of fresh mowen grass. I really don't have any tradition. Thanks for the chance to win.

  11. Clever little quilt, reminds me of Easter. My favorite spring thing for the past few years is returning home to my family after being away for the winter.

  12. My favorite is searching for eggs at Easter. We used to hide them in the yard for Kelly when she was little and I can't wait for the tradition to follow on to Rosa when she will be big enough to go Egg searching!

  13. I don't really have a tradition. I just love that the days last longer and, the smell of all the blossoming spring flowers. ;-> Toni Anne

  14. The only springtime tradition I have is spring cleaning! Although it is a lot of work, it is nice to have a clean house again. :-) Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  15. My favorite spring time tradition is planting pretty flowers in my yard. We love impatiens and they grow well in our area. I love to see all the new growth and flowers starting their bloom. It's refreshing after the long winters sleep.

  16. i know it's spring when i can lower the glass in the storm doors and have the fresh spring breeze flow through the house. refreshing!

  17. We have all of our kids , grand kids, and great grand kids over on easter for a dinner and egg hunt

  18. My favorite springtime tradition is having family over for Easter dinner. I also like coloring Easter eggs and the last couple of years i have dyed them with natural things like onion skins and spices. It is fun to see what color they end up.

  19. Não tenho,mas a minha primavera começou ontem,claro que é um tempo diferente e eu gosto das flores,acabo de chegar de um almoço na casa de meu irmão e lá é inesplicável a quantidade de flores e cheiros.Se valer um livro ...nós almoçamos todos os domingos de Páscoa(no Brasil em abril)com familiares e caça de ovos sempre acontece para menores de dez de idade,os mais velhos ganham dinheiro ou ovos escolhidos por eles.Obrigada e parabéns .

  20. One favorite springtime tradition is preparing for our spring garden. Another is attending Easter services at church with my mother.

  21. Planting my window box every spring is my favorite tradition. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. Spring is birthday season for us. In our extended family we have 12 birthdays in a little more than a month. It's fun to have so many celebrations!

  23. My favorite springtime tradition in Northern Norway where I come from, is to sit and look for the sun shining all night through. That happens from the May 14. and for more than 3 months, so we have many nights to choose from.


  25. Going for a walk and smelling all the blooms!

  26. Best I can come up with is the annual guessing contest with family members as to when the ice will be off the lake. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book.

  27. Your "Srambled Eggs" quilt is CHARMING! LOVE the spring colors! Darling idea!

    Spring plant-shopping and planting are my fav traditions. LOVE shopping in the plant nurseries around Mothers' Day, then digging in the dirt, figuring out what to plant and where.

  28. Love your Quilt!! & Congratulations!! Has to be soooo thrilling to see your name & pattern in a book!! Waaaaay cool! Thanks for chance to win the book! :)

    Plant flowers like crazy in the Spring...replant too...deer love all but my Daffodils! lol Tradition tho...My Sweetie takes me on his tractor, up to the far edge of back we can see all the Trillium that grow ther!! Beautiful!!

  29. Picking daffodils, planting potatoes, listening for the first of the spring spring. Love the smell of the earth waking up. Annual trillium hunt and first flower watches.

  30. My favorite springtime tradition is opening all of the windows and doors and airing out the house on a beautiful spring day! Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful book!

  31. I love the feeling of rebirth in the Spring with the bulbs blooming and all the new baby animals, especially little lambs!

    Your quilt is adorable! Thanks for the give-a-way! Cindi

  32. Spring is my favorite season. I always head to the local plant store to see the newest flowers to plant in the yard. I love lot of color in my yard all summer.

  33. Love the scrambled eggs quilt. Favorite spring tradition is dreaming about new flowers for the garden, and then I have to clean out the flower beds & plant the new flowers, which is plain hard work. But worth it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. My favorite spring tradition is planting the bright annuals! (Not so much fun to have to prepare the flower beds to do it, though!)

  35. A spring tradition here is spring cleaning, especially the windows so we can see the beautiful spring flowers.

  36. In years past my favorite spring thing was playing in the dirt (aka getting the garden ready for planting). Now that I am an apartment dweller, my favorite spring things are watching for the first flowers to bloom and the trees to get their first hint of green.

  37. My favorite thing to do in the springtime is to see all of the pretty flowers start to grow and the grass start to grow and all of the new growth and the end of the dreary winter and gloom. I believe spring is my most favorite season of the year, because it always signals a new start to life.

  38. My favorite Spring time tradition is to eat lunch or dinner on our deck and start watching baseball since we are big Tigers fans at my house.

  39. My favorite Springtime tradition is choosing new bedding plants for almost always include some petunias-- they are so pretty and come in so many beautiful colors!! :-) Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book! :-)

  40. Your Scrambled Eggs quilt is darling...hope I win so that I can make one too! My favorite springtime tradition is coffee on the deck...and seeing spring pop before my eyes...such a beautiful time of the year:)

  41. Favorite Spring time tradition is to rake out the flower beds and let the flowers "lose" for their Spring time show. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. JudyCnNC

  42. Congratulations Emily. The book looks like a winner. Springtime tradition....every year I plant lots of annuals and they are beautiful all summer, so I guess that would be a tradition. Thanks for the chance!

  43. I live in Northwestern Ontario and spring is usually late in coming... but what I do look forward to is the warmer weather and not having to wear layers and layers plus heavy boots!!

  44. congrats on being in the book.
    For me the favorite time of spring is getting the garden ready and planting.

  45. I love those scrambled eggs! thanks - my favorite tradition is our Easter celebration, which included Spring birthdays and an egg hunt! thanks!
