
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Improv class

Last night I taught an improv class at The Corn Wagon. This is a fun class to teach because there's not a lot of guidelines. I go through my scrap bin and pull lots of pieces of fabric. I give each of the students a little baggy with pieces and tell them to play around with them- like putting together a puzzle.

We had so much fun just sewing and talking.

Here is Leslie with her block. I love the strip of purple she added through the middle.

Marina had a hard time "letting go" but her block turned out fabulous!

The pop of red in Wendy's block is perfect! I came home and gathered more scraps in this colorway so Wendy can make more blocks.
Alice did a great job with her block, too. But for some reason I didn't get a picture of her. :o(
These ladies were fabulous and it was such a pleasure to meet them. We're already planning our next class!
While at the shop I spyed this AMAZING quilt by MaryAnn. This was a class she taught up at Winterfest last weekend and now it's in the shop. She still has kits available too. The pattern is from Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.
If you go to the shop and can't find the quilt- DO NOT come looking at my house!!! ;o)


  1. What great blocks.
    That quilgt in the shop is awesome. Sure we shouldn't look at your house for it?

  2. Fun how everyone got a different but cute block made! Love MaryAnn's quilt too!

  3. I have yet to do an improv quilt. I love the idea of it though. Definitely on my list of quilts I want to make one day. The ever-growing list!

  4. I loved the improvised blocks you did at My Girlfriends Quilt Shop in Logan. I really loved working with you. That was fun. The blocks look really good.
