
Monday, November 4, 2013

Market Recap (part 1)

The story goes like this-
After being gone for the past three Halloween's the hubs kindly asked that I not go to fall market this year. I agreed. But as time passed and I realized that market wouldn't fall on Halloween this year, I began to formulate a plan. I would go to market AND be home for Halloween. The hubs agreed and I was off to Houston.

 Michael Miller Fabrics went all out as usual! Their booth featured the new Blue and White color story. 

The booth was wallpapered in wonderful fabric. The focal point of the setup was a beautifully rustic farmhouse table topped with gorgeous blue and white porcelain.

The place settings gave it such a cozy feel, inviting you to pull up a chair for a lovely meal. I sat there several times but nobody brought me lunch ;)

There were display throughout the booth showing other prints in the Blue and White colorway including theses cat cameos. Love the princess cat on display, too.  

Right next to the table was one of the quilts I designed for the booth. French Tile is a free downloadable pattern on the Michael Miller website.

The team's impeccable eye for detail and design led to their win of another First place ribbon. I think my gorgeous quilt tipped the scales for the judges, but I'm probably wrong.
I love that the ribbon and plaque matched the booth perfectly!

The Swirly Girls booth was full of quilts featuring their new collection Daydream and their new Block of the Month pattern for Michael Miller Clubhouse.

Sarah Jane's new collection Wee Wander is so delicious. Her sweet baby boy Anders was the star of the show often sleeping in one of the tee-pee's. 

The Lovely Tamara Kate (pictured here on the right) showed two new collections: Quiet Time and Helen's Garden. I am IN LOVE with Helen's Garden. I tried to talk her into trading me the quilt behind her, but she wouldn't agree. 

Another quilt I contributed to the Michael Miller booth was Chevron Kaleidoscope. This quilt uses ONE print and two solids for the background. Free downloadable pattern available on the Michael Miller Website. 

Another fabulous color story Michael Miller added this fall is the GLITZ collection. 

These fabrics are so soft. Even the gold accent is smooth to the touch. Not hard and crunchy like I've seen on fabric before.

These fabrics are perfect for clothing, quilts and home decor.

The setup was perfect, of course. 

Touches of GLITZ and glam at every turn

Last, bur certainly not least they featured the new Indo Ikat color story.

This collection is full of amazing graphic prints in various shades of blue and red. I'm surprised that no one was found curled up in all those pillows. At quilt market it's a little too inviting.

Ok folks, now that I've given you a complete tour of the Michael Miller booth it's time to show you the rest of the market booths that caught my eye. Come back tomorrow for part 2 of my Market Recap!


  1. Thanks for all the photos, I love seeing updates from dream is to go one day!

  2. Love the new Glitz by Michael miller! Thanks for sharing I swear one of these days I'll make it to market.

  3. love all three recaps. thanks for letting us in on all the juicy details even though we couldn't be there.
