
Saturday, August 29, 2009


I'm sorry that I'm finally posting so late in the day. I have been off having a wonderful time. You see, today is my Birthday. My wonderful husband planned a 2-day adventure for me so I've been gone since yesterday morning. I won't bore you with all the details but I will tell you the best part- he took me to 5 QUILT SHOPS! It's been awesome.

Anyway, I know you've all been waiting so let's get on with it.

I went back and posted all the answers to the "quiz". CONGRATULATIONS to Sharon, Dya, Meg99, Taya, and Shannon for getting all the answers right! (They definately were not easy).

Since there were 5 names I put each name on a piece of paper and had my adorable 7 year old son pick one from a bowl.

The winner is TAYA! Email me all your info. so I can send you your prize!

FYI- I'm going to be out of town for the next week. I'll try to post, but I'm not making any promises. ;o) However when I get back I will post all kinds of new and fun stuff. Have a good week!


  1. Congratulations Taya! Didn't win this time, but at least I was in the top 5. And now I have a new blog to read...and some new quilt patterns to drool over. I adore the postage stamp quilt in the blog header and the ladybug quilt would be perfect for a little girl from church who just turned 1. Thanks again - it was fun!!

  2. PS - Happy Birthday! Mine was the 21st - August birthdays rock!!

  3. Happy birthday!

    Taya, congratulations, I hope you have lots of fun with the new fabrics.
    Gosj, I'm proud of myself to have named them all right, I never expected that.

    Thanks for organising this fun contest.

  4. Happy Birthday Emily!
    Congratulations Taya!
    It was fun contest and I hope to solve the next one,too.

  5. Happy birthday, Emily! I hope it was a great one. :)
