The thought occured to me this weekend that I never showed you all the new quilts that I designed to go with 'Going Coastal'. So....better late than never, right!? :o)
All of the patterns I designed (or re-designed) to look like quilts you might actually see somewhere coastal. I stayed away from too much detail on purpose- the beach is a care-free, stress-free place people. I hope you enjoy them as much as I am!
First is BEACHIN'. I know, I know, I even slipped once or twice saying it myself. But I HAD to name it that. It was BEGGING to be named that. :o) As you can see, it's a fairly simple design but I LOVE it in my fabrics!
I don't need to explain why I named this one BOARDWALK do I? This one is a tad busy with my prints but I like it anyway. I chose to use only the blue, white, orange, and red background fabrics. I think it turned out pretty cool with a slight patriotic influence. This pattern uses FQ's and is pretty fun to piece because you really don't see how cool the prints and design come together until it's all done and you can stand back and admire your work.
Right now this one is my fave! CABANA is SO FUN! Ok, so there are lots of flying geese blocks in this quilt but it's well worth it. The pattern has instructions for 2 sizes so you cen decide just how many FG blocks you want to make. What I like is that the whole quilt speaks as one print instead of focusing on each individual print itself. Does that make sense?
So about a hundred years ago when I first started designing quilt patterns I designed this quilt. It was the perfect man quilt....and nobody bought it. The thing is, I really liked the idea. So, I redesigned it using GC and added a few fun words and Bada-Boom! Bada-Bing! ROAD BLOCK was re-born. I kept the original name even though it doesn't really go with the whole "beachy" theme but it's probably been the most popular one yet. Go figure!
Recognize this beauty? Of course I had to re-do SURF SHOP in some GC. love, Love, LOVE IT! And I don't care what all those land-lubbers say- I never get tired of the surf boards. :o)
Lastly my dear, sweet LILIANA. I didn't intend for GC to be a masculine line- I wanted it to be gender neutral. Afterall, the beach is gender neutral, right? But after I started getting feedback people were saying what a great "boy" line it was. Don't get me wrong- I think it's great and I agree. However, I wanted to show it's versatality. This quilt is so cute with GC I can hardly stand it. So for all those Betty's out there that don't like 'girly' and 'pink' this one is for YOU!
So, what do YOU think? Leave a comment telling me which is your favorite and I'll choose a random comment on Wednesday and send that lucky winner the pattern they picked! :o)