
Thursday, July 28, 2011

I forgot something else!

Did I mention I am extremely hypo-thyroid again? If you know what that means than my forgetfulness will not come as a surprise to you. I have to go in for my yearly scan to make sure I'm still "All-Clear" so in preparation for that I had to go off of all my thyroid meds. Ugh. It's not fun at all. But I'm hanging in there and almost done. My scan is tomorrow and as long as everything goes ok (and there's no reason to think it won't) I'll start my meds again and be feeling more "ME" in another week or so.

Anyways, I bring up the forgetfulness because I forgot to tell you that I created a Flickr Group for Crazy Old Ladies!

I posted a button on the left that you can click on to go to the flickr page. It's not much to look at right now because I'm not super savvy at this stuff so it's still a work in progress. But the thing that makes a Flickr group so cool is YOU!

You can go in and add pictures of your Crazy Old Ladies projects so that other people can see the cool things you've been working on too!?  I'm hoping to add more pictures of my own projects once I have my head on straight.

Hope to see lots of pictures of your Crazy Old Ladies projects soon!  :o)


  1. Good luck with your scan, I had thyroid cancer and am now on meds for life, so I know what you are talking about. After 15 years o being exhausted and fatigued, finally got a doc that would change my meds, and found some that give me energy and I feel great finally.

  2. I can't imagine going off my thyroid medication. My heart goes out to you.
    My most noticeable symptom was all my hair falling out! I was exhausted but thought it was just because we were having "the summer of rain". I went to get my hair cut and she said that this is not normal, at all.
    Hope you are feeling like yourself soon.

  3. I'll be thinking of you! I hope things go GOOD!! I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well. When I saw you at the Provo Quilt Fair last were lookin' pretty good to me! =) I LUV your stuff...btw. It is so nice to see some patterns for older boys, like the surf boards. And, I am WAY excited about your new line...I NEED some of that when it comes out. =)


  4. ugh, yeah - hypothyroid is not fun. Good luck!

  5. Hope everything will turn out okay and you feel better soon!

  6. I'll be thinking of you and hope everything comes out ok.
