
Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Sewing

I thought I would give you a little peak at what I've been playing with the last few days. You know how I love to give you little teasers and say "I'll show you more later" and then somehow I never do. (Sorry about that) This time will be different...PROMISE!  And as always, since I think the story around the project makes it all that more interesting I'm going to tell you that too.  :o)

This is a FQ bundle of 'Felicity' by Emily Taylor for Riley Blake. No, not that Felicity- but that was one of my favorite shows!  :o)  The fabric is not new. I think it was being shown at Spring market in MN last year. I remember seeing it and really liking it. The color arrangement was different than anything I'd seen and that really drew me in. But I can't possible sew with EVERY fabric that I see (hence a craft room with over flowing closets and drawers). So I decided to let that one slide through my fingers.

Well, that was until I was at July fair last week. I don't even remember the store (sorry!) but they had a beautiful quilt top draped over one of their tables and I just kept staring at it. It used this same fabric and was an orange peel pattern. When I got a moment I ran over to see if they had kits- NOPE! I couldn't stop thinking about it that night so I did a quick search. Thank You Etsy for coming through for me- a FQ bundle with my name on it (Emily. HA!) It was in my cart and PayPal-ed in a matter of moments.

At some point I knew exactly what I was going to do with it. A shell quilt. Lots of Google-ing and searching to find the block is called a clamshell. It's been super fun to put together. Wanna see?

Don't those fabrics look delicious? I'm hoping to finish the top and start quilting it today. And then...a surprise on Monday!  (fingers crossed I get it done or you might have to wait).

This is what I found in my bed last night when I finally decided to stop sewing and go to sleep

I don't care how big they get- there's nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby, even if your baby is 6! :o)


  1. Ok, that's really neat - Are the edges folded over, then? I see the stitching on top - I could handle that! Did you use paper or anything underneath for stablizer?

  2. Emily that picture is so sweet of your "baby" sleeping. I must be on one today cuz it brought tears to my eyes. So precious.

  3. Love the clamshells. They look awesome in that fabric.
    Your baby does look so sweet. I still think that when I seee my 22 y/o asleep.

  4. i have been dreaming for years of making a clamshell quilt. My aunt made one, all by hand when I was a teenager and I loved seeing that quilt top progress and then seeing it as she quilted. Now 50 years later, it always brings fond memories of her and that dream of making one of my own...
