
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mini Me

I've been trying to convince Santa that this little one would LOVE a sewing machine for Christmas.
But Santa said "She doesn't even know how to use one"
To which I replied "If she had one, she could learn"
Then Santa gave me the look.
So I decided to start teaching her, little by little.

 This girl learns FAST!  One of her favrorite things to do is play "Quilt Shop".  It is very cute. I have to remind myself that she'll only be little once and soon she won't want to be in the same room as me. So I better take advantage of it now. :o)  
Kenny has a "Tortoise and the Hare" setting- which I LOVE for this purpose. I just slide the dial to the little turtle and the machine creeps along at a speed slow enough for her to maneuver. She's still learning the whole 'seam allowance' thing but is doing great! Now she wants to use the iron!

This is her block. I'm so proud. What a great little improv. quilter! She searches through my scraps and always asks "Can I cut this?" before she starts assembling her pieces.

I showed Santa her progress. Guess what he said?
"Why does she need her own machine when she can just use yours!?"
Let's just say it's a good thing Mrs. Clause has a little pull around here.  ;o)


  1. I think Mrs. Clause needs to step in and get her one since Santa isn't relenting. lol She is doing great!!!

  2. She is doing great. AND she looks like a total natural at the machine. She needs her own for sure.

  3. I think you should hand Santa some milk and cookies and tell him you've got it covered!

  4. C'mon Santa...the girl is a natural. She needs her own machine. I'm on your side Mrs. Claus.

  5. OH, I can't wait till my girl is old enough to learn. Your daughter is too cute on the machine! btw - Costco (if you have one) has adorable Hello Kitty sewing machines for very cheap!

  6. Mrs. Clause has the right idea. Last Christmas Santa brought a full sized Brother with a slow speed and a child's purple first machine for my then 7 and 3 year old nieces. January my sister's family room turned into sewing central - 5 machines buzzing away preparing a special room for baby Luke, who got here mid April. We had a blast!

  7. sweet! sewing lessons would go so much quicker if you could say do what I do while sitting side by side you on one machine , her one the other lol!

  8. Yay! I love seeing new quilters. I hope Santa breaks down.

  9. Sounds like our Santa's are related!

  10. Suggest to Santa that you need a new one....then you can give your "old" one to her.

  11. She is adorable! We got our granddaughter a Janome last year - she was 6! It's not too young to start that creativity!

  12. this made me literally laugh out loud. I could take a lesson improv piecing from her! When I was her age my mom had me 'trace' lined paper with a threadless needle. She still has those perferated practice sheets somewhere, I am sure. :)

  13. Yes Mrs. Clause you are doing a great job. This little one does need her own. How fun it would be to sew "with" her! (Keep up the good work!)

  14. The 3/4 size Hello Kitty machine has great reviews from moms who bought machines for their little girls.
    I taught my son to sew when he was young. In high school he sewed a dozen Star Trek shirts for a video movie.
    In the Navy he sewed patches on uniform shirts and made a bit of ca$h.
    Your daughter is lucky to have you as a mom.

  15. She is just adorable, perfect sewing partner if you ask me.

  16. What is a good sewing machine for a wee one? I have been searching but everything I find is cheaply made and is made for way younger learners or is too expensive and complicated.... any advice would be GREAT!!!
