
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pink Elephants

I grew up watching Disney on VHS taped from the TV. I know "What's a VHS!?"  Remember in Dumbo when Dumbo gets drunk and hallucinates the pink elephants? It was one of our favorite parts as kids. We would watch it in slow motion. Seriously. :o)

Elephants have been my favorite animal for a long time. Partly because my name starts with 'E' but also because they're just so amazing. They're so giant, yet so gentle. If I could own a pigmy elephant, I would!

Latley I've been seeing a fun trend in quilting fabric- Elephants!
I thought I would share a few fun ones that I found.

 Pink Elephants from Violet Craft's PEACOCK LANE for Michael Miller

 Pink Elephants from Michael Miller. These are perfect 'Dumbo' elephants *wink*

 Deliciously fun elephants from Valori Wells for Free Spirit fabrics. LOVE these. I just have to make something fun for myself from these. YUMMY!

Lastly, this cute little number from Timeless Treasures.

So what are your thoughts- do you think elephants are the new birds or owls?


  1. I hope elephants are NOT the new birds....I hate to imagine what would happen to my car as they fly over.

  2. I always wondered why I like pink elephants so much and you just explained it Emily!!! Dumbo! All of those prints are so cute and I own a few with no definite sewing plans.

  3. I think Elephant fabrics have been around - they only have just become popular in a new light. I remember applique elephants on my bell bottoms.

  4. I love elephants! I could barely watch Water for Elephants. Good to see some elephants on fabric.

  5. More cute elephants--scroll down to the second quilt design by Trish Harper.

  6. I too have always loved elephants, (I have a collection of ornamental ones). I am still cross with my Dad that he didn't let me bring the baby elephant home from the circus... the man said i could have it.
    I found a piece of red batik with elephants on it in one of my drawers and am wondering if i might put it in my red and white "just takes two", quilt. i hope they don't become the new trend though.

  7. Probably. They are everywhere.

  8. I also have a collection of elephants which started many
    years ago. I think they have always been popular.

  9. I LOVE the term "Pink Elephant" and I think it is time for a change from Owls everywhere. I laugh all the time with friends telling them there is always a "Pink Elephant" in everyones family! Lol
    I love this this new fabric.

  10. I'm going to have that song in my head all day now! Thanks for sharing the cute fabric. :-)
