
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Who needs snow...

When you've already been buried alive!?

This picture was not staged. I mean, I'm not that crazy. :o)

I'm not sure if I told you all about our "move". We moved a few blocks away a couple months ago. Actually, my husband so graciously offered to "move" us while I was in Houston at market. (Note to women: if your husband ever offers to do this- DON'T LET HIM!)  You see, he moved some things- but not everything. So for the last couple months we've been moving the rest a couple boxes a day. Last night we finally made a big haul and moved the last big furniture pieces. Because I had a nice big open space on my sewing table- it was nominated to be the catch-all for "stuff". UGH!

So my day is pretty much booked while I clear this crap off so I can actually work.  :o)


  1. I feel your pain, from 2002 till October 2010, I for the most part never even seen my sewing room, when I finally said I am getting back to my sewing and quilting, my room was 10 times worse than that. Seems everyone else used the whole room as a dumping ground for everything they no longer wanted in their rooms. A year and a half later, I am still going through stuff, but I am almost there.

  2. Oh poor you.....I've been there....I wish I could just pop in and help...many hands make for light work....just buckle down and you will feel so great when it's done!!!

  3. I don't envy you Emily! I am a lousy remover and just looking at this makes me nervous!
    Good luck!

  4. That doesn't look like a fun task. It would be one thing if it was the aftermath of a completed quilting project so at least there would be satisfaction in that.

    Good luck working your way to the bottom of the pile.


  5. Boy. Hope that went well. Thanks for the intro you gave me into quilting long before I ever spoke to you. Of all the designs I've seen and liked, Dipped in Chocolate and Flutterby are still some of my favorites. I have some fabric waiting to be pin-wheel something or Cabana. I can't decide.

  6. Feel your pain. We moved July 29th and I could just walk down each side of the boxes that were piled just below the ceiling light. I think I've done all I can except keep up with what gets dumped in there by my loving family members. LOL.
