
Saturday, June 2, 2012

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming...

Sorry for the delay in posting the winners. We decided to have some family time and enjoy the weather. 

Water was a little cold still. These guys decided the best way is to just run right in.

My littlest kidlet 'cheesing' for the camera.

Testing his toes. Don't you love that little tongue sticking out!  :o)

And this is where I sat, enjoying the warm sun on my toes. I was NOT about to get in that freezing water. Maybe by the end of August when it's had a few months to warm up.  :o)
How 'bout we get down to business and post some winners! picked numbers 3, 83, and 53
(what's with all the 3's!?)

Happy Cottage Quilter
Thanks to EVERYONE for playing along and showing your support.
If you weren't one of the lucky winners you can still get the book and feel like a winner. Fat Quarter Shop is featurings 'Geared for Guys' as their book of the month! That means you can purchase it (either version) for 20% off during the month of June. WooHoo!!!
Ok, now back to playtime with the fam.
Have a GREAT weekend!


  1. I am SO excited! Thank you so much.

  2. If i'm the Jo that one...woohoo! If not, congrats to the other Jo!

  3. You're the Jo- but I don't have your email! Email me so I can get your info. and send you your book! :o)

  4. I'm so excited! I sent you my info..thanks so much!

  5. Can I ask...where is that great swimming spot?
