
Monday, September 17, 2012

Do you ever feel like you're spinning out of control!?
I'm trying to think of the name of one of those carnival rides that I refuse to ride. You know what I'm talking about, right!? (this is one of the more mild ones)

It's pretty crazy around here right now. I have so many things coming up in the next couple of months it's hard to keep them all straight.
I got a note from the kids' school saying I signed up for a field trip in October. I just about had a panic attack. I have so many things going on in October the thought of adding one more almost sent me flying out of my seat (see picture above).

You know how it goes. Lots of work for me and not a whole lot I can share with you....Yet. Sorry. But believe me- it'll be worth it when you finally get to see. Here's an example. :o)

I've been working on a project for a while. Months actually. I am so excited about this project I can hardly stand it. Well, tomorrow is the day i finally get to share it with you. Woot Woot!  I think you'll agree it's been worth the wait. I'm not going to say much more about it right now but if you want a HUGE clue you can click HERE.  But don't foget to go back tomorrow to see my fun surprise. 

I thought I might add that in the 'events' page I have listed classes that I'll be teaching. Many of them coming up still have room if you're interested in attending. We have lots of fun and I'd love to meet you.

Ok- time to get back on the ride. See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what your big surprise is!!! If you need any help trying to get things done in October I would be happy to help :) Can't wait to see your recipe :)
