
Friday, December 21, 2012

Off the grid

We lost our Internet and cable connection last Sunday and have been without until this morning. At first it is such a pain. All my shows that I can't watch and the kids saying "I'm bored" every 5 seconds. But after a day we all learn to get by. They kids start being creative again. And we started watching some of the hundreds of DVD's we've collected over the years. By last night we were gathering together as a whole family to watch the latest redbox rental and I realized that not having Internet and TV isn't so bad.
The connection is back and while the TV is blaring behind me, no one is watching. The kids are upstairs playing together (I'm enjoying this because it usually doesn't last long) and I'm tackling my inbox.
I wanted to share some 'quilty' images my Dad sent me in an email. these are AMAZING!!!

A Frenchman by the name of Simon Beck spends hours tromping through the snow to make these beautiful designs.

I can't imagine the time and effort that it takes to make these. And then I think about paper piecing designs that I've seen similar to these and I still can't imagine the time and effort to make those!

For more info. on Simon and his story visit the link HERE.

I hope you're all enjoying this Holiday Season and cherishing the moments with your loved ones.

I'll be back soon with a HUGE announcement.  :o)


  1. Those are beautiful images!! So festive!! I am super excited for your huge announcement!!

  2. Very cool! I totally thought the first pic was a quilt.

  3. wonderful pictures Emily! Have a very merry Christmas!

  4. I had a friend send me those pictures. They are incredible. Have a Merry Christmas!

  5. love the snow pics.

    Glad your power stayed on.
    It might have been another interesting post if that had happened.

    I like having internet free days sometimes or a no TV week. But hubby will never go for that ever.

  6. I still can't get over these!
    Wow!!! Yep..I don't even have patience to sew this intricate~
