
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

On the Design Wall

I love the look of pixelated quilts in one color family. So my mind started turning to different shapes. What if I did triangles?
How many quilts can you say you've made using only ONE fabric!?
Like any great idea I couldn't get it out of my mind until I did something about it. I raced to my LQS (The Corn Wagon) and bought the last yard in a half of VandCo's ombre solid in pink. (Find some here!)

I cut 5" strips and then used the 60* mark on my ruler to cut triangles. Then I started sewing them together in rows. It finished (still unfinished) at 47" x 35 1/2". I didn't plan a size- just sewed what I had. It will make a nice baby quilt. With a couple of yards you can have a decent sized quilt.

Since I was just messing around and didn't want too much waste I even pieced from of the triangles. I made sure that all of the seams were in the same direction. I'm to OCD to have them turning every which way. But as I type this I started thinking that 2 halves in different shades would add a fun interest. Hmmm...I might have to order a couple yards and make another. :o)
 BTW- My camera is back in action. I finally managed to get one of these guys when I was at the store AND remembered I needed it. There was lots of remembering and lots of visits to the store but somehow they didn't always come together. :o)  It reads the CF card from my camera so I can actually take pics.
The only down side is that I have to take the CF card out of my camera which can (and has) resulted in forgetting it. Case in point: our family reunion last weekend. I probably took close to 30 pix and when I went to check back through my camera realized the card wasn't in so the pix weren't saved. Gah! Live and learn. :o)
What's on your design wall?


  1. Emily,
    I enjoy your blog - I can tell you have a wonderful personality!
    I have forgotten the card for my camera too, and it is so annoying
    ;( . My solution was to get a second (extra) card, and ALWAYS put one in when I take one out. Hopes this helps you too :D

  2. I love the quilt....what a great idea. I'm going to look for similar fabric at the shop I work at. I have forgotten my card and then noticed I can set my camera up to warn me if my card wasn't in.....(course I did the same when I used film


  3. So, so pretty! I'd love to play around with ombre fabrics sometime. The triangles are a nice idea.

  4. Very cute quilt, love the different shades of pink!

  5. Love this..all the secondary designs are awesome...great idea!

  6. This is fun. I doubt most people could say they had a varied quilt from only one cut of fabric. I am an ombre fan.

  7. I am so impressed by your quilt! I love this idea!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com
