
Friday, July 26, 2013

My Week in Pictures

This has been the busiest week of summer vacation so far. We've been running around here and there and everywhere. Here's a re-cap of my week.
My kids started swimming lessons. Do you know how hard it is to take pics of your kids from far away (so they're not embarrassed) with your cell phone? They're doing so well. I'm so proud of them.
It's been SO HOT! But it gives me time to work on my tan. See those legs? I've got to do something before August. :o)
Managed to come home from lessons on Thursday and realized I'd left my house keys at home. Long story. Preston decided to take a nap on the lawn while we waited for the hubs to come and rescue us. Thankfully he only works 10 min. away.
On weds. the hubs and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. Last years pic will have to do since I'd left my phone with Preston while we were gone.
We had a fabulous day. July 24th is a state holiday in Utah (Pioneer Day) so the hubs had the day off. Thanks to some awesome friends who took our kids swimming and to a fireworks show we had the afternoon and evening to ourselves. We had a nice lunch, went shopping at the outlets, took in a movie (White House Down- such a good movie. 100 times better than we thought it would be), and then we headed up to SLC for dinner.

I have been dying to take the hubs to Settebello's for at least a year. (Excuse the poor quality photo from the hubs phone) Delicious, authentic Italian pizza. SO GOOD!  If you have one near you and haven't tried- GO! And if you don't have a location near you, come visit me and I'll take you. :o)
To was dentist visit day. Two youngest kids had all sorts of work done. It wasn't exciting enough to take any pics.
In case you're wondering, I did sneak in a little sewing. I'll show you some of that next week.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a busy week with the kids. Your summer holiday is sooooo long! Congrats with your anniversary, you spend the day well.
