
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Quilt Bliss Retreat

Hey All! I usually don't get excited about the onset of winter but this retreat has me longing for cold winter nights and it's barely August! Have you heard of the Quilt Bliss retreat? Well you should check it out! I'm going and SO SHOULD YOU!

It's being held at the gorgeous Timber Moose Lodge in Heber, UT. This place is Ah! Maze! Ing!
It is so big and spacious. Plenty of room for sewing the night away and relaxing the whole time.
This retreat is being sponsored and hosted by the Utah County Modern Quilt Group and has so much to offer. So many different roomes and rates to fit your needs. not to mention the cost of meals, classes and lectures is all included. And you should see the teacher list! All of your favorites will be there.
I've chosen to stay in these fun queen size bunk beds. I love the whole Slumber Party vibe!
I wanted to share this awesome space with you because I've had a few inquiries lately about the next Cabin Fever quilt retreat. After trying to hash out all the details and finalize the dates I realized it just wasn't going to work out this year. The first one was so much fun to plan and I had a great time- it all fell into place. But this go around it just wasn't 'working', you know!? So I decided to bag the whole idea and jump aboard this retreat so I could sit back, relax, and sew.
So, if you were holding out for Cabin Fever, come along and join me at Quilt Bliss. It's sure to be a party!
For more info. visit QUILT BLISS


  1. That place looks heavenly Emily, wish I could hop over for this retreat! Great that you can go, it will be fun!

  2. Those beds are too cool. If I was closer I'd book a holiday there for me and my sisters. :-)

  3. I'm all signed up with my friend, Katie. So excited!
