
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Westwood Acres

Last night I participated in a folding party for my friend Amanda. You see, Amanda has a little Etsy shop that is bursting with the best fabrics collections out there.

Folding fabric isn't hard work. The worst part is trying to keep my drool from pooling up and staining the fabric. She carries so much fabric goodness that it's hard to not buy it all.

Some of her bundles include:


(I took some of this home with me :)
Amanda's store has bundles in Fat Eights, Fat Quarters and even Half Yards.
In addition to the newest and cutest fabric collections out, Amanda has an amazing knack for putting together fabrics for exclusive bundles in her shop.
Among the best are: 

Inside Voices 5- Summer Camp Edition
(featuring a little TECHNICOLOR :)
and In the Navy- a gorgeous collection of the best navy prints out there!
I don't have the space to list everything here so go check out her shop
You won't be sorry you did.
(or maybe you will if you buy too much, but don't blame me :)


  1. O,yes....cute, citer, cutest!

  2. gonna have to check out the shop but I seriously want to know how to get all the FQs, etc, folded exactly the same size!

  3. I love this shop! I've bought the Lucky Penny collection and the Full Moon Lagoon collection just this weekend! Thanks for folding it! She was the only one who had both of those at a reasonable price and I will definitely be back!

  4. You are too funny. I can just see the drool. Yikes! Amanda has one of the BEST shops. Hands down!!

  5. Thanks for the info on Westwood Acres. Paid them a visit last night and now have some beautiul Nordika heading my way!
