
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Social Media Swap Meet

There's a lot of fun things about different social media outlets. I have a fondness for Instagram and it's just gotten a lot much fonder.
A couple of months ago at a SLMQG meeting, Brooke from PitterPutterStitch showed this fabulous quilt. The design is awesome but the colors and fabric she used stood out to me the most. I had to have them!
She told me they were Castle Peeps by Lizzy House. As soon as I got home I started my Internet search. I was able to find a few pieces here and there but nothing to build a collection on. So I turned to Instagram.
I posted this picture and asked if anyone any they would be willing to part with. Of course I would pay. I started getting comments like crazy from many people willing to share their fabric wealth. I offered to pay or trade for some Technicolor and they all wanted to trade.

I managed to walk away with all of this glorious fabric and help a few others trade up in their stash-building. (I still have a few blue prints on the way) Thanks all who contributed to my fabric binging. now, if I could just figure out what to make with it. :o)

But my story doesn't end there.
A few days later a fellow IG-er sent out a plea for some coveted Heather Ross fabric.
I'll admit, I had my own obsession with the cute little fishy fabrics a while back and it's been sitting in a drawer ever since.
I was saving it for the "perfect" project but that project never came. Every time I brought it out I talked myself out of cutting into it- it was too precious. I was touched by the kindness of others and decided to Pay it Forward. I sent the bundle above to my fellow fabric hoarder for her project. (I've decided to leave her name off of this post to keep any of you crazed fabric lunatics from tracking her down :o)

Some may think I'm crazy. After all, prized HR fabrics go for around $70/yd online and all I asked of the recipient was to pay it forward when she saw a need. And that's the best part about it! It's like when the "Grinch's heart grew three sizes"- The feeling of helping someone out gave me much more satisfaction than the bundle of fabric did stuffed in a drawer.
I decided to share this story because every time I look at that Castle Peeps fabric I am reminded that there is still good in this world. I know it sounds sappy (I meant it that way) but it's also true.
So give a little. Share that stash. And when you're in need may you look to social media for a little help.


  1. Thanks for sharing your story! If only everything in the world were this easy. <3

  2. What a fantastic thing to do, I wish all of us quilters would consider doing this. In my quilting group we often have a trade table, but to give something away is special.

  3. If you need more of the castle prints check out my local quilt store-Quilter's Compass. They have some in stock and it's on sale. :) They will ship anywhere. Can't wait to see what you make with it!

  4. Oh good grief! I have that same 4 fishy pieces I bought years ago. I might have to rethink keeping it around for a future unknown project or selling...what an eye-opener!

  5. Thanks for sharing this! I have been feeling very discouraged this weekend by the actions of some fellow neighbors who decided that after donating the use of their lodge last year for a community milk and cookies with santa event that the community put together, this year they would have to charge the community and people would just have to pay to get in if we didn't cover the charge!!! I was feeling rather glum that people really must only be about money, so nice to see this story!!!!

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