
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Winter Preparation

I know, I know. We're not even officially out of summer yet. But the nights are starting to get cooler and the leaves are starting to change. Which means the husband is spending lots of times in the mountains and I am working on a WIP.
Back at the beginning of the year I showed a quick pic of a project I've been working on

 I call them Hexie Snowflakes (#hexiesnowflakes on social media). After I posted about them last winter I put them away and haven't worked on them for at least 6 months.

I pulled them out last week and have been stitching every chance I can get. It helps that we finally moved the Wii from my sons room to the family room. Lots of Netflix to catch up on. :o)

The progress on the the actual quilt top is coming along- 49 hexie snowflakes stitched together.
It looks impressive and it is. Except it's only about 3ft by 4 ft. Those hexie snowflakes are misleading with their size. Once they're nested into each other you realize there's a lot more to go than you thought.

I have another 40 waiting to be added to the top but I don't think it's going to be enough. I'm hoping for at least another 50. Yikes!  I may be working on this for a loooooong time. I may earn a lifetime achievement award for this WIP if I can ever get it finished. :o)

So, what have you been up to?
Is there anything you do to welcome in the cooler weather?



  1. It will be fabulous when you do finish. I love how it looks right now and the colors are wonderful. In the mean time just enjoy the process. : )

  2. I think most hexie projects deserve a lifetime achievement award.

  3. Hexies are so pretty but so much work! I love the snowflakes you are making! Hope to see you soon!

  4. Wow Emily! These are most awesome! I also love the fall weather... I have been stitching up a storm! Just love it. Thanks for Sharon your hexie snowflake.

  5. Wow! I really, really, like this!

    I did a whole post a few months ago on my blog about how hexagons reminded me of morning sickness from when I tried to do some hand piecing 16 years ago while expecting my first son.

    Anyway, these don't bother me at all!! Hmm - maybe this is a way to get over that aversion :-)

  6. Emily it's brilliant!! I am so impressed with your work-if only I could be more like you!

  7. Your snowflakes are totally grooving girl! What a great idea!

  8. I love your twist on a traditional block. I've seen many flower gardens but nothing compares to those hexie snowflakes!! it inspires me to make some hexies of my own!

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