
Monday, September 16, 2013

Sharing Time- Boomerang!

I love when someone shares their finished project with me. Especially when it's made with one of my patterns!

Erin Jeffries made this adorable Boomerang quilt for a cute little Penelope. She wasn't sure about the "bent" chevrons but it looks AWESOME! She made this version a bit smaller and squared of the top and bottom for a quick and easy finish.

The color palette is fabulous. In fact, I've already started plotting a fun quilt in these colors. Don't you love how a simple palette becomes so much more appealing when you see it made up in a quilt?

One of the best parts is the personalization. Applique letters in red with white polka dots? And bending the letters so it matches the layout? Perfect! I sure wish my name was Penelope right about now. Isn't it cute!?

Thanks for sharing, Erin.

If you're interested in making your own Boomerang quilt you can get the paper or pdf patterns HERE.



  1. i love the way she personalized it! the quilt looks great!

  2. I love the Boomerang quilt! On my list for quilts to make after Christmas. Thanks!

  3. Fabulous quit, Erin! Great pattern, Emily!
