
Friday, September 6, 2013


 Hi! And welcome to block 14 of the Virtual Quilting Bee.
I was beyond excited when my friend Amy from Diary of a Quilter asked me to be a part of this
and have been waiting anxiously for my turn to post. :o) 
If you're visiting from the Bee- WELCOME!
 If you haven't heard of the Virtual Quilting Bee, take a moment and check out the link. Amy has tutorials for everything you need to know including fabric selection and basic quilt making techniques as well as the first 13 blocks!

I'm not sure if this block has an official name, but it's been in my sketchbook for ages.
When Amy asked me to participate I knew this was exactly the block I should use.
It's quick, easy and looks fabulous with the other blocks.

The fabric supplies you need for this block are:
Dark- (4) 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares
Medium- (4) 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
Light- (4) 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
Today I'm playing with 3 different shades of Kona greens.

Sew the Medium and Light rectangles together.
Press seams open. Make 4 units.

Mark each of your Dark squares with a diagonal line.
I used a white colored pencil. :o)

Place the Dark square on the Medium side of your pieced unit.
Make sure the diagonal line is angled as shown.
Stitch ON the line. Pin if needed.
Do this with all 4 units.

Trim 1/4" away from stitched line and open. Press seams open.

Arrange the units as shown above.
Sew together the top two units and press the seam to the left.
Next, sew the bottom two units together and press the seam to the right.

Sew both sections together to finish your block.

Wasn't that easy!? 
And look how stunning it looks with Bonnie and Camille's Happy Go Lucky fabric-
Love it!
Thanks for joining me in the Virtual Quilt Bee fun.


  1. love it!!! guess I just found my project for today!!

  2. This is a great block. Very easy and versatile too. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Gorgeous block and thanks for the tuto!

  4. I love the spiral bunting in your Happy Go Lucky block!

  5. thanks Lisa! It was completely an unintentional. Don't you love happy accidents!? :o)

  6. Do you have any pictures of this block as a quilt? Or do you just use it as part of another pattern? I just love it!

  7. Thanks for sharing! And I love your technicolor line!

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  9. The rose block is very lovely. Did you fussy cut the rose fabric?

    KoolBeenz Blog
