In with the New! Isn't that the way the saying goes? Well I didn't want to take it LITERALLY.
My Iron has been on the fritz for the last several months. It cycles on and off and it's just rediculous. It's never ON when I need it to be. And, well, the dial is broken so it's stuck on super hot. Also my light dims and my machine slows when it cycles on. Is that normal? Anyway, I decided to finally get a replacement. After talking to a few gals at my LQS I decided that going cheap wasn't such a bad idea. Afterall, my last iron (the one acting all crazy) was a pretty penny.
I wandered into my local JoAnn store the other day and found a sale and picked up a cute little Sunbeam for aroun $20. Not too shabby.
But that isn't the big news. The big news is this: My beloved machine has gone to another place.

Yes, that is a heavenly picture of my machine. And although I'm not too happy at the moment it definately went someone in the clouds because it sure has sewn a TON for me the past 7 years I've had it.
My machine is/was a Kenmore and I LOVED IT! I'm thinking about replacing it with the same model (except they go for anywhere from $50 to $75 more than I originally paid for mine. Inflation. Humpf!) But I am doing plenty of shopping around before I FINALLY get another.
Some may not think Kenmore's are that great. But I think they're a pretty dang good machine for what you pay. I'm just not ready to dump a fortune into a machine. So for around $200-$250 I can get this beauty.
Why do i love Kenmore's? You might ask. Well, my first machine (all mine- not my Mom's) was a Kenmore my Hub's bought me when we were first married. I still have that machine TODAY and it works like a charm (everything on it is manual- except of course the power to keep it running) and I do ALL my machine quilting on it. doesn't blanket stitch. If it did, there would be no need to replace the other.
How did the newer one die? Well, I was just finishing up some blanket stitching on one of my latest patterns and it started moving really slow. And, I kid you now, as I stitched that last stitch it just stopped. Would not go anymore. I went upstairs to finish on my older machine and my oldest son asked "Mom, are you making divinity?" He asked this because the downstairs smelled like when I burned up my hand mixer making divinity once. Hmmm, not good. Took it into the shop this morning and was called an hour later with the news. "Ma'am, we did all we could, but we lost her."
Isn't that a sad story for the first of the year? :o(
I'll let you know when I get a replacement and what I decide on.