
Monday, September 30, 2013


When it comes to binding, it seems there are lots of different ways to go. Some people love to sit and hand stitch while they catch up on TV. Other people machine stitch their binding on. I'm a machine binder and prefer to use a method that gets it over fast. Yes, I still hate binding.
My previous method consisted of using pins. Lots of pins. And with pins comes lots of pokes. But then I started seeing these guys all over social media and decided to give them a try.
They are from Clover and are called wonder clips. And yes, they live up to their name.

My method consists of sewing the binding to the front of the quilt just as you would if you plan on hand stitching. I've always used a 2 1/2" wide binding strip with a thread over 1/4" seam allowance.
At this point I used to flip the binding to the back and pin in place.

Wonder clips make this so much easier. Once a section of binding is 'clipped' to the back, I stitch in the ditch on the front side. The clips stay in place until I move them so my binding is always where it's supposed to be.

 The stitching on the front catches the edge of the binding on the back. It's perfect! And it's quick. I'm pretty sure these little clips shaved considerable time off of my previous binding technique.
I'm sold!

They can also be used in a quick moment to tie your hair back out of your face. :o)
Ask for Clover wonder-clips at your local quilt shop or search for them online.
(btw- this is not a sponsored post)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

On the design wall- #tula100

We just passed the halfway mark over at the #tula100 quilt along.
I wanted to see my progress so I stuck all the blocks up on my design wall. Aren't they pretty!?
The blocks are from Tula Pink's 100 Modern Quilt Blocks book.
I can't wait to get the rest of the blocks done and finish this quilt. It's surely to become a new favorite.
Have you been quilting along with us? Check out Sew Sweetness to see everyone's progress!
So what's on your design wall right now?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sharing Time- Boomerang!

I love when someone shares their finished project with me. Especially when it's made with one of my patterns!

Erin Jeffries made this adorable Boomerang quilt for a cute little Penelope. She wasn't sure about the "bent" chevrons but it looks AWESOME! She made this version a bit smaller and squared of the top and bottom for a quick and easy finish.

The color palette is fabulous. In fact, I've already started plotting a fun quilt in these colors. Don't you love how a simple palette becomes so much more appealing when you see it made up in a quilt?

One of the best parts is the personalization. Applique letters in red with white polka dots? And bending the letters so it matches the layout? Perfect! I sure wish my name was Penelope right about now. Isn't it cute!?

Thanks for sharing, Erin.

If you're interested in making your own Boomerang quilt you can get the paper or pdf patterns HERE.


Friday, September 6, 2013


 Hi! And welcome to block 14 of the Virtual Quilting Bee.
I was beyond excited when my friend Amy from Diary of a Quilter asked me to be a part of this
and have been waiting anxiously for my turn to post. :o) 
If you're visiting from the Bee- WELCOME!
 If you haven't heard of the Virtual Quilting Bee, take a moment and check out the link. Amy has tutorials for everything you need to know including fabric selection and basic quilt making techniques as well as the first 13 blocks!

I'm not sure if this block has an official name, but it's been in my sketchbook for ages.
When Amy asked me to participate I knew this was exactly the block I should use.
It's quick, easy and looks fabulous with the other blocks.

The fabric supplies you need for this block are:
Dark- (4) 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares
Medium- (4) 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
Light- (4) 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
Today I'm playing with 3 different shades of Kona greens.

Sew the Medium and Light rectangles together.
Press seams open. Make 4 units.

Mark each of your Dark squares with a diagonal line.
I used a white colored pencil. :o)

Place the Dark square on the Medium side of your pieced unit.
Make sure the diagonal line is angled as shown.
Stitch ON the line. Pin if needed.
Do this with all 4 units.

Trim 1/4" away from stitched line and open. Press seams open.

Arrange the units as shown above.
Sew together the top two units and press the seam to the left.
Next, sew the bottom two units together and press the seam to the right.

Sew both sections together to finish your block.

Wasn't that easy!? 
And look how stunning it looks with Bonnie and Camille's Happy Go Lucky fabric-
Love it!
Thanks for joining me in the Virtual Quilt Bee fun.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Winter Preparation

I know, I know. We're not even officially out of summer yet. But the nights are starting to get cooler and the leaves are starting to change. Which means the husband is spending lots of times in the mountains and I am working on a WIP.
Back at the beginning of the year I showed a quick pic of a project I've been working on

 I call them Hexie Snowflakes (#hexiesnowflakes on social media). After I posted about them last winter I put them away and haven't worked on them for at least 6 months.

I pulled them out last week and have been stitching every chance I can get. It helps that we finally moved the Wii from my sons room to the family room. Lots of Netflix to catch up on. :o)

The progress on the the actual quilt top is coming along- 49 hexie snowflakes stitched together.
It looks impressive and it is. Except it's only about 3ft by 4 ft. Those hexie snowflakes are misleading with their size. Once they're nested into each other you realize there's a lot more to go than you thought.

I have another 40 waiting to be added to the top but I don't think it's going to be enough. I'm hoping for at least another 50. Yikes!  I may be working on this for a loooooong time. I may earn a lifetime achievement award for this WIP if I can ever get it finished. :o)

So, what have you been up to?
Is there anything you do to welcome in the cooler weather?